The relationship that can't happen

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Alistair POV
So I use to be best friends with Ruby before she left are school so I wanted to help her out.. I know I can't help her out much but at lest I can help her through it I remember the last time she was made fun of because of Rumpelstiltskin is her father too.. I don't want her to not have someone to cry on.. She knows I'm here for her..

Alistair:"ahahah! Can't believed you remember that" I said well smile at her so she knows im here for her

Ruby:" so? What are we going to do about it?" She said smiling back but behind a frown

Alistair:" well bunny can go to Lizzy, to see if she know anything.." I said trying to make ruby not worry so much

Ruby:" thanks.. We can go to Kitty! And Cerise and Remona can go to Maddie... And I know its quicker to ask the narrators but I don't want more trouble " she said giving me a small glace

Alistair:"Right!" I said so we can go

We both walk out and started to walk to Kitty's tree

Alistair:" you know I'm here for you right??" I said
Ruby:"hum? Sorry what?" She said looking at me
Alistair: " I said.. You know I here for you right??" I said again
Ruby:"I know! Its just.. I'm think how are we going to get are butts out of this problem?" She said with a worried voice
Alistair: "look at me!" I said stopping in front of her "Bunny's going to kill me for this" I said to myself
Ruby:"hum? Wha-" she said before I kissed her and I know she know I love bunny but I also know she knew I liked her back then I still do..

Ruby POV
Alistair k-kissing me? I swear I hope I'm not blushing.. This is bad.. He love bunny they are dating I hope he dose not gets in trouble..

Alistair POV
Wait! Ruby kissing back.. Is she blushing.. I'll have to explain this to Bunny.. She's going to kill me we stop kissing and I decide to talk

Alistair: " we she go find Kitty" I said trying to get my mine off of how ruby kissed me back..

Ruby:"y-yeah..." She said well looking away trying to calming her self down..

Alistair: "Ruby? C-can we talk about that ki-" I tryed said before ruby spoke

Ruby:"Here! Kitty? Were are you?" She said trying to not talk to me

Kitty:"perfect you made it Ruby its wonderful to see you.." She then looked at me "Alistair? What you doing here? She said surprised

Alistair:" I'm here with Ruby being a friend not like you!"

Kitty:" Hey you can't just say that!"

Ruby:"why do you think you should have told everyone about my family I asked you all to keep it to your self's!" She said with a tone in her voice sounding like she was going to cry

Kitty:"Hey! Don't cry! I-im sorry" she said running up to her and hugs her

Ruby started crying and I felt sorry for her then Bunny came out of no were

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