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     As Cam soared through the night sky, flapping his golden wings, he thought back. Back to the time when Lilith left him, To the time when he joined the other side. Then he thought about Luce and Daniel's love. The love that had defeated Sophia, the Scale, Lucifer, and even the Throne itself.

     Cam wanted that kind of love. He had loved Lilith. But he did not know her anymore. If he could have explained to her that by stepping into God's sanctuary, the place would have burned to ashes, he would have. But for her to leave him the way she did showed Cam that she would never have the power to understand him, nor would their love ever have as much strength as Luce and Daniel.

     Although he couldn't deny that there was still a part of him that loved her with all his heart, he knew that she could never be his anymore. It was time for Cam to start over. Just as Luce and Daniel had started their lives over as mortals, and fell in love all over again. Cam decided that he shouldn't dwell in the past forever.

     Cam wanted a normal life. He wanted a girl like Luce, someone who wouldn't be afraid of him, intimidated by him, someone who would accept him for what he was. A girl who wouldn't leave him like Lilith did, he thought bitterly. A girl who could look him in his emerald eyes and honestly say to him, "I love you Cam. I want to be with you forever."

     Deep in his heart, he knew that there was someone out there for him. His other half. How did he know? Because he had seen her. A month or two ago, when he was flying over Miami, he felt a lurch in his chest. He let his wings take him through Miami, eventually stopping at the beach. He folded his wings into his back and started trudging around in the sand.

     His heart lurched again and he looked up. At the sight of her, his heart started beating erratically. Her dark brown hair flowed in natural waves. Her bright green eyes shone with laughter as she walked along with her friends. Her laugh was contagious and sounded lke a peal of bells. From that moment, Cam knew that this was his second chance at love. And he sure as hell wasn't going to mess it up this time.

     Right now he was flying over central Connecticut, for the first time in the past 19 or so years, looking for the other fallen and Nephilim. He heard giggling and laughter down near a lower cloud, and he closed in on the small distance between him and the cloud.

     He landed and the others turned around at the sound of ruffling wings. "Hey guys." he smirked. A look of shock crossed against Roland's face, Shelby smiled, Miles waved, and Annabelle nodded towards me. And the most unique greeting was from Arriane, who got up, punched me in the gut, then hugged me. "Wow, bipolar much? So, how have you guys been?" I grinned.

Desire - A Fallen SpinoffWhere stories live. Discover now