I nodded. “I understand completely.”

I stood up on tip toe and kissed him on the cheek. He smirked at me before pulling me in for one on the lips. Why couldn’t it just be like this all the time? I knew the answer to that, but I still couldn’t help but ask it, in my head of course. I wanted to come out and ask him, but he said that he would tell me when he could. I already knew his secret and it was killing me inside. How could I not crumble?

“Draco,” I whispered, pulling away for a moment just to have his lips return and quite me.

He picked me up, not separating his lips from mine, and carried me to the bed. We continued kissing until his hand wondered to the button on my jeans. My hands automatically stopped him. I wasn’t ready, especially with my parents and little sister just downstairs. He nodded and got off of me. I couldn’t help but shiver as his heat left me. I sat up as well and ran my hand through my hair. I was all flustered but so wasn’t he.

“I should go,” he said standing.

“What?” I said, not moving from my position on my bed. “Don’t you want to stay and work on the project?”

He shook his head. “I wish I could but…” He trailed off and looked away from me. “I just can’t. We’ll work on it later. I promise. I just have so much to do, you know? My dad expects it from me to do so much. Well,” he started towards the door. “bye.”

“I love you,” I whispered, hoping that he heard. He didn’t answer me, so I hope that it was the case.

“And Court?” he called, stopping in the doorway. “Don’t go to the party tomorrow, okay?”

“Why not?”

He sighed. “Just don’t. Understand?”

I nodded, still not understanding. Why wouldn’t he want me there? I wondered for a while after he left. I hadn’t left my room to ponder it, even though mom would’ve expected me down there. She wanted me down there with her, Adeline, and dad. So, I went downstairs when they called me down for dinner. I had braided my hair by then and changed into black pants and a white sweater. I don’t know why, I just did.

“It’s about time,” dad said, obviously in approval.

I sighed and took the seat next to mom. “I guess so.”

“So, did you get everything settled with Draco? I saw him leave early and rather flustered too,” mom stated, raising an eyebrow at me.

I nodded. “As much as we could fix. He had to leave because his dad was expecting him back.”

“That’s good to hear, seeing as the party is tomorrow. It would be hard to come up with an excuse of why you’re not there when they’ll perfectly know why,” dad said.

I rolled my eyes. “Yes, because that’s the most important thing.”

He ignored me and continued his banter about the party. “You know, I heard that it was an engagement party.”

My eyes widened as I looked up from my plate, which I hadn’t even thought of touching. “An engagement party?” I mumbled.

He nodded. “I have no idea whose engagement it is though. Draco’s way too young to even be getting married. So, who knows? I just heard it. It’s probably just a rumor. It’s on Christmas, so obviously it’s a Christmas party.”

I looked back down at my plate. “Yeah,” I agreed, hoping he was right.

“So,” mom went to change the subject. “When are you and Draco going to be working on your project?”

I shrugged. “Who knows?”

“You’re grades are important, Courtney. You better be finding out,” dad annoyingly added.

“I will,” I mumbled.

A glittering caught my eye and led me to mom’s left hand. There was a ring there. It wasn’t the one the Lupin had gotten her either. Actually, it was the engagement ring that dad had given her the first time that they had been married. It was still as huge as I remembered. Dad always bought her the biggest gems that he could find. Wait, why was she wearing that ring?

“Mom,” I started slowly.

“Yes, dear?” she smiled at me.

“Why are you wearing that ring?” I asked and she looked.

Dad looked appalled. “You didn’t tell her?”

She shook her head. “Not yet, I was waiting until tomorrow, but I guess it can’t wait.”

“Tell me what?” I looked from one to the other, not liking what I was hearing. “Surely you can’t be…”

“Getting married?” Mom laughed. “Of course we are. I never fell out of love with your father that’s why I’m divorcing Lupin. Besides, he’s in love with a new member of the Phoenix. You remember Tonks?”

I nodded. “Yeah, but this doesn’t make any sense. Why did you two divorce the first time?”

“That was because of me. I wanted to the divorce,” dad said and left it at that. “So, that was that. We’re getting back together now so everything is fine. Your family is back together, Courtney.”

“What about Adeline? Isn’t she Lupin’s?  You’ll still see him,” I pointed out.

Mom shook her head though. “That’s another thing. Adeline was never Remus’s. She is your father’s child, your full blooded sister.”

“So, you cheated on Lupin with dad?” I asked, very surprised by what they were telling me.

She nodded. “I’m not proud of it, but at least we’re back together now. At least we can still be a family. You, your dad, Marcus, Alex, Sophie, Adeline, and me. We’re all back together now.”

I couldn’t take it all in. First, I find out that mom and Lupin are getting a divorce. Second, I find out the love of my life is a deatheater and is distancing himself from me. Lastly, I find out that mom and dad are back together. My life was so weird and messed up. If they thought that I was going to that party with them the next day, they were crazy.

A/N: Okay, so this isn't the best chapter in this story, but its needed. be sure to tell me what you think and vote! good news: been number one for almost a week now, thanks guys! it really means alot. oh, and cover change because i have changed the plot (for like the millionth time!) the other cover didn't go with the change. okay, enough of my rambling. go comment! ;)

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