Coming Home

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Two weeks later:

"Ashes to ashes, Dust to dust. We commit these bodies to the ground"

It was cold, and damp, At leas twenty people gathered around the holes in the ground. Annie stood next to me, Clinging to Poppy she cried silent tears, They ran down her face but she didn't make a sound. She stood there motionless, Her eyes fixed on the coffins being placed into the ground. Anger flashed through her eyes. Holly must have noticed the same and took Poppy from her, Annie looked up at her aunt and let out a small whimper. Annie stepped forward and dropped a white Lilly into her mothers grave, and a Red rose for her father. She stepped back to me, everyone eventually wondered off until it was only us left. I squeezed her hand and stepped back and headed back to the rest of the gathering. Annie stood there alone.

After a hour or so everyone piled back to the old farm house.  Annie was serving food to everyone. She put on a smile and held back her tears. 

"I'll see you then, remember what i said..." A man dressed in a smart back suit leaned closer to Annie and whispered the rest in her ear. She nodded and he made his was to the door. 

"Everything ok?" Possibly the most stupid question I've asked. Annie looked up at me and gave me a slight smile, "Yes, everything is fine" With almost a hint of meaningful emotion. She made her way back off into  the room full of people. 

After what seemed like hours, everyone left and the house was left to us. Holly had taken Poppy for some air. Silence filled the air while me and Annie moved through the house picking up empty glasses and plates. When we had finished, Annie sunk to the floor and sobbed.The wails she cried carried through the house. I pulled her onto my lap and let her tears fall.

All her tears had be cried out by the time Holly returned. She walked in to see us entwined on the floor. She smiled and sat next to us with Poppy on her lap. We all sat there in silence for a few minuets before the shrilling of the phone broke through our thoughts. Holly got up and ventured through the house to get it. "Hello? ... Yes i know that... Really? I thought... Yes but...  I  didn't know that..  I'll talk to them... You think that could.. I think that's great. Yes... OK. Thank You. Bye." Holly returned the phone then walked back into the room.

"Come'on. Lets go home?" She smiled at Annie, and held out her hand. Annie took it and was pulled into a hug.

The car journey was long and dull. Annie and Poppy fell asleep in the back, Holly was lost in her own thought while i sat next to her. Music filled the car, but my thoughts drowned that out. 

"You'll get to meet Jerry tonight, he came back this morning after we left" Holly broke through my thoughts, with her chirpy voice. 

" I  look forward to it. Who was that man in the smart black suit? He was talking to Annie... He crept me out if i'm honest." Me and Holly have come rather close lately, she's always helping me out and i do the same for her.

"I didn't see him... Maybe a friend of Jack's? Or Lilly's Boss?" She shrugged and let a small laugh,

"Did you know, before Lilly and Jack met, Lilly was a little nerd. She wore glasses and her hair always up. She never spoke to anyone or did anything fun. She was plain. I was the bold one. I wore make up and throw my school books in the air.  My older sis was a nerd" We both let out a little laugh, Lilly was always so out going and fun whenever i was around. She would dance around the house and sing while cleaning.. She would bounce around with Annie on the Wii. Or chase Jack around the house. She never once was quiet.  

We carried on talking about the past freely for a hour or so untill we neared the house. Poppy and Annie still fast asleep in the back of the car. 

"Luke, I'm about to ask you something, please think about this. I don't want to put you under pressure or anything. But its impotent OK?" She sign then carried on talking..

"Will you adopt Poppy?" The question came as i shock. Every nerve on my body stood on end. The words ringing through my mind.

" I know its a huge question. But, i think its best for Poppy. She could be raised as Yours and Annie's. No-one would know other wise. Me and Jerry have talked it over. He rang earlier and told me its possible. Would you.. I mean you don't..."

"Ok" The words slipped out before I had a chance to think.

Holly beamed at me with wide eyes, "Good, great. It'll work. Trust me, look, don't tell Annie, we'll ask her later? Get poppy and put her to bed? I'll sort Annie out, Jerry will be in. Oh Luke... Thank you" I walked up to the house with Poppy wrapped up into my jacket. I Head in and made my way to the make do nursery. I laid her down and she stirred slightly. I heard the floor bored move behind me, then i felt Annie's arms wrap around my waist. "I think we should," Her soft voice tumbled through the air, i knew exactly what she meant. She was awake in the car. I twisted around and pulled her into me, she laid her head on my chest and hugged my tight.

"What if I'm not a good enough dad?" I didn't mean to say it out loud. But once the words slipped out, Annie had the perfect answer. 

"Well then I'll pack your bags and you can sleep in the car" A smile touched her lips. She let out a small giggle, and let out a yawn. "I just want this to be a dream. I want to go to bed and wake up normally again. In my bed. In my house. Where my only worry is if my homework is right, or if my hair looks ok. Not this. I want to be me again" She whimpered into my chest and let out a sigh.

"I love you Annie."

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