Chapter 1

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I wake up in a happy mood on a Monday morning which is rare, because I hate Monday's. You're probably wondering why I hate Mondays well, that was the day of my operation. I love today though, birds are chirping, the sun is shining and I have a happy attitude because today for lunch my school is having chicken strips! If there is one thing that makes me happy it's some epic chicken strips. I started thinking about my day and about how it was going to be exciting when my mother yelled from downstairs that it was time to go.

I used to ride the bus but I had been getting picked on by some bullies and the school corporation told my mother that they didn't know when I was getting picked on because I couldn't yell at the bus driver. I was an outcast.. I was okay with this, well for a good percentage of the time I was. Most of the time kids leave me alone because their afraid of me, but some days; they pick on me a lot. I guess it's like this in their head, "hey let's pick on the girl who can't speak." I run down stairs with a smile on my face and mom saw it immediately and asked what my deal was. I signed to her that it was because today was going to be a good day. Mom laughed at me and told me that I was silly. I got in my mother's little Oldsmobile as she started the engine, I put on my seatbelt and reached for the dial to turn the music up almost instantly. I turned the dial to 96.1, (my favorite radio station,) and started jamming and playing air guitar.

It didn't take long to get to the high school since my mom and I live in town. Mom pulled up to the side corner of the school-LIKE ALWAYS-so I could get out and walk a little, she leaned out the window and said, "Good Luck!" I laughed inside my head, little did I know today was going to suck.

I went to my locker and grabbed my Pre-Calculus book. I was leaning down to grab my binder when my single friend walked up behind me and yelled. I literally jumped into my locker and when I did, I hit my head. I felt my head as I groaned inside, I felt a liquid on the top of my head and a tear silently dropped down my cheek as I realized it was blood. I turned around to scold my friend with a look of hatred but he was already gone. Johnnie was probably already at his first period and most likely thought that I didn't have an injury. I walked down the hall to the nurse's room and walked in to see a horrified nurse look up from her papers.

You probably think that I went to the hospital but no! The crazy nurse cleaned the blood off and it turned out to be a tiny gash. The nurse told me I would be fine the rest of the day and with that she sent me to my first period class with an ice pack in hand and a hall pass. I walked into Pre-Calc when the teacher was doing notes on the board.

I was thinking about school food and about how most people think it sucks when my thinking was interrupted by a guy. This guy was handsome, tall, and had blonde hair that was slashed to the side. I study him for a moment and when I was about to look away from him someone tripped me! I fell flat on my face, I was mortified to look up, but to my surprise the boy was holding out his hand to me.

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