Chapter 2 It's Only Love

Comenzar desde el principio

I looked around as did everyone else. We all walked to the bus, and grabbed our belongings. I grabbed my bag and placed it on the ground next to me. I looked around until I found a tent which was halfway in the shade, the other half in the sun.

I strode over and placed my bag inside the tent while I crawled in. There was a rolled up yoga mat and a matress in the tent. I set out my sleeping bad and pillow, and left everything else in my bag.

I crawled out, feeling lazy and hot. It was terribly muggy and it must have been 100 degrees. I scooted myself over so that I was in the shade. I absent mindedly hummed a random tune that was stuck in my head. 

I was brought back to reality by Georges's voice. "Hi Prudence! It looks like you're my neighbor!" He said excited-ly.

"Yeah, I guess so!" I replied with a laugh.

"I can't wait until we start our studies!" George gushed. "John, Paul, Ringo, and I already have met the Mahesh and studied a bit with 'im in Wales but we um... had to leave early." George said catching himself from saying something. His smile faltered for a second, returning after a second or to.

"I'm excited too!" I said, deciding on not questioning George.

We sat in silence for a second until we heard from the tent on the other side of George: "Darling, you don't suppose you could help me?"

"What do you need Pattie?" George asked calmly.

"My bag *grunt* isn't opening..." She replied, obviously attempting to open it.

"I'm coming love." George said, standing up and walking over to Pattie's tent. He crawled in, giving me a polite wave before dissapearing from my sight.

I could hear a zipper and then Pattie exclaimed "I loosened it for you..."

Ten tents away I saw John poke his head out and then he crawled out completely. He looked around, smiling a bit and when he saw me, his smile grew a bit.

"Hi ... Um..." John said trailing off, forgeting my name.

"Prudence." I said, smiling.

"Prudence." He repeated in almost a murmur.

John's POV

I popped my head out of the tent, crawling out because it was quite hot in the tent. I looked around and saw the girl from the airport.

"Hi... Um..." Stupid! Stupid! I screamed to myself in my head. You forgot 'er name!

"Prudence." She said, her smile making my head spin.

I couldn't help but repeat her name to see how it tasted. It suited 'er.

"It's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." I said absent mindedly.  Damn John could you have said anything more corny?!

"Thanks" She said, blushing madly.

I heard giggling and turned to see  Pattie, George, Jane, and Paul watching us. When they noticed that I had turned around, they truned to each other and pretended like they hadn't heard a thing. 

I turned to look at the weakest link: Paul and George. They were holding back giggles as they pretended to engage in conversation. Plus, they constantly would steal glances at Prudence or I. 

I turned my attention back at Prudence. 'Sorry' I mouthed to her. She nodded, her blush growing deeper.

I glared at Paul and George, and crawled back into my tent. I took one last glance at Prudence before zipping up my tent.

Dear PrudenceDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora