Chapter 26-

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I've been sat in the garden for over half an hour. I was enjoying myself being with my friends at breakfast, then Jareth came and spoilt it. The mer sight of him angered me. I swung back and forth on the Tyre swing trying to take my mind off Jareth by reading my book, but it wasn't working. I placed the book on the ground and looked up to the sky. It was clear blue, no cloud in sight. I sighed and got up from the swing and decided to go for a walk. I had nothing better to do. As I walked further into the garden I could hear faint whispers, but I didn't see anyone. That's when I noticed a coloured Pansy in a long Gold plant pot. I just starred at it mesmerized.

"Don't you know it's rude to stare!"

Suddenly the pansy petals shifted slightly to reveal a face. I gasped and fell to the ground. I tilted my head slightly, stood up and dusted my dress down.

"You can talk?" I ask astounded. Could I be imagining it?

"Yes Miss I can talk. So can you. Congratulations, first prize is awarded to you" it answered back sounding sarcastic. The Pansy had a bit of an attitude. Sarah however ignored it and kept her tone.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare, it's just Pansy's are my favorite flowers"

"Oh well in that case, it's nice to meet you. I've never met anyone who has regarded me as there favorite flower before. They've always preferred Rose"

Sarah then quickly grasped why Pansy had an attitude. She wasn't used to having people admire her. I felt sad for her.

"Personally I'm not a fan of Roses. There to prickly and I always seem to cut my finger when I go to pick them. I'm Sarah by the way"

"Me too! Roses are overrated. My name is Pansy as you would of guessed"

Pansy's tone of voice had changed from being rude and sarcastic to welcoming and sweet.

"Your Sarah, Sarah Williams aren't you?"

"Yes I am. How did you know my last name?" I ask puzzled. How would she of known?

"I could tell straight away by the way the King described you. Long jet black hair, sea green eyes, lovely complexion and a beautiful smile"

I blushed at the last part. "The King said all that about me?"

"And much more. All he ever does is talk about you Sarah. It's good to finally meet the girl who has captured the Kings heart"

I gasped. "The Kings heart?"

"Why yes, didn't you know. The King is in love with you Sarah. Has been from the moment he met you, so I gather"

I sat down on the bench nearby Pansy. I tried to catch my breath. Jareth's in love with me? No he couldn't....could he?

"Pansy how do you know all this?" I ask as I try to process everything she has just said to me.

"Like I said before Sarah,the King told me. Other times I have overheard his conversations. I wasn't ear wigging, promise! It's just when your a flower and all you do is sit in a plant pot everyday you can't help but overhear things"

"What do you mean conversations. He's discussed me with someone else, who?".

"Well three people actually however the second one looked like a giant teddy bear and wasn't really paying any attention. I think there names were Hogwart, Ludo and Sir Didymus"

"You mean Hoggle?"

"Yes, that's the one! They visit me frequently along with the King of course"

Why would they visit Jareth? And more importantly not tell me?

"Sarah you look like you've got a lot of questions. You should really go speak with the King"

I thought some more and nodded in agreement.

"Your right Pansy, I will. But first I need some more time to myself"

I got up from the bench and started to walk when Pansy spoke up.


"Yes Pansy?"

"You will visit me again soon, wont you?"

I smiled. "Of course I will Pansy, I promise"

I turned back and headed towards the castle, to go find my friends.

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