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Loki POV

"I'm sure I don't know what you mean brother." I said in the cockiest voice I could. I knew exactly what was going on at this point but I didn't feel obliged to share.

"Loki this is no time for games. I want answers and I want them now." He growled as he stepped towards me.

"I have more important things to deal with right now brother." I said as I stepped towards him. We walked around each other like two panthers waiting for the other to make the first move.

"Like what? Please enlighten us brother." Said Thor as we stalked around each other. All eyes were on us. Everyone could hear our conversation.

"Well for starters, one of your precious avengers is going to suffocate in about three minutes if she doesn't get oxygen. That and I'm planning my escape." I said with a chuckle. The mental laugh was accompanied by a low gurgling sound that came from my throat.

"What have you done to Natasha!" Nick yelled through his oxygen mask.

"Nothing it's what you're preventing me from doing that's killing her." As I said this I reached back and gently picked her up and set her on the ground.

"And what exactly were we preventing you from doing?" Questioned Thor as he cautiously approached us. Nick leaped off of Thor's back and ran over to Natasha's side. He pulled off his mask and gave it to her.

"I was bringing her back inside but you seemed content to stop me."

"You're a talented lier brother always have been." Thor growled.

"I'm afraid I wasn't lying brother. I was going to bring her back inside." I sneered as Nick carried Natasha back towards the door.

     All of a sudden I felt sick. And as I looked up I could tell Thor felt sick to. With one last desperate roar from the both of us we toppled over, yelping and roaring in anguish as sickness over took us. Before I knew it I had passed out.

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