Chapter I: She's The One

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Craziness level: 3%

Garroth's P.O.V.

"I can't believe it!!! I don't understand why she just won't love me back!!" I kicked a rock as I walk through our school campus with Laurance by my side.

"Look dude, I know that she's been your ultimate crush-"

"She's not just my ultimate crush Laurance!!! She's my everything!!! My one and only!!" I yelled at him, clenching my fist as I tried to control my anger.

She's my Senpai....

"Look man, I know that you really love her but face it, she's with someone else.... Probably a much better guy than you." He muttered the last part but I heard it.

I gritted my teeth and grabbed his collar, effortlessly raising him. Joining a military camp totally boosted my strength and stamina.

"Woah woah okay okay okay okay!! Geez chill bro!! Okay I get it!! Rule no.1: Do not insult someone's love interest..... Even if it is creepy and weird." He raised his hands in defeat and sighed.

I smirked and placed him down as he brush off some dust on his shoulders and adjusted his brown jacket.

I then grabbed his head, head locking him using my right arm and ruffled his hair while laughing.

"Hey stop that!! Do you know how much time I spent, trying to fix it!! I need to look good for the ladies if I want my charm to work!!" He fixed his hair as he grumbled on why us men needs to be aware of how we look, especially our hair.

I guess Cadenza is rubbing it on him....

"But seriously dude, you really need to move on from her." Laurance looked at with sympathy.

Why would he look at me like that?

"I can't no matter how hard I try, she'll always be my true love." I smiled sadly.

Then suddenly his face lit up.

"Speaking of moving, I heard there's a new transfer student from a very far school.... And it's a girl..." He wiggled his eyebrows at me as I wrinkled my nose in disgust.

"Whatever, that transfer student won't be prettier than my love." I scowled as I turn my head away from him.

"Well okay then! But don't blame me if you feel heads over heels for her, cause I am gonna sweep her off of her feet the minute she walks in this campus..... I might as well introduce her to the Campus Prince!" He grinned as he doesn't  princely pose while doing a hair flip.

"Heh, more like the Campus Casanova..." I snickered as he look at me in absolute terror.

"Hey! I'm not like that! Plus I only flirt with girls but I don't take them out!" He said defensively while crossing his arms.

"Kinda like the same thing" I pointed out while giving him a 'Duh' look.

"Pfft! You're just jealous that girls literally faints everytime I talk to them or even just smile! You're just a shy, lonely boy, unlike me who got all the confidence I need to swoon the ladies, and not to mention you're the Stutter King." He laughed at the last word.

"H-hey! No I-I'm n-not!" I said while blushing a bit, trying my best to intimidate him with my glare.

"Yeah right." He rolled his eyes as we keep on walking with me pouting.

We turned around a corner and then I saw a sight that broke my heart.

My Senpai kissing someone else....

But it's not just any kiss, it's a make out session.

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