Zak did something I had not been expecting at all. He brought his hand up and brushed his fingers against my cheek.

"Ana, it really has been my pleasure ..."

I wasn’t quite sure what to say. No one did this sort of thing. No one just flew a thousand miles to just give someone else a purse, and then go eat dinner with that stranger’s family...

Zak moved in and placed his lips on mine and my heart sped up. I couldn’t believe this was happening. A second time! One of the hottest guys I have ever met was kissing me, a second time, and I was rather confident he hadn’t lost a bet or anything like that...

There was an unexpected hunger in Zak's kiss as he eagerly moved his mouth across mine. He gently sucked on my bottom lip as his hand moved to my hair clip and slowly took it out. I found myself leaning into him, but just as I was giving myself up to the pleasure the shrill ring of my phone interrupted us.

To my dismay Zak pulled away, his hungry gaze held a hint of humor.

-"You might want to answer that." He said his voice husky.

I quickly reached into my pocket and saw it was Justin, I groaned inwardly. I was about to click on the ignore button but Zak's phone started to vibrate loudly; he gave a quick glance at the screen then at me.

-"I have to take this." His voice was tight. He answered as he got up and started to walk towards the bedrooms, it was obvious he didn’t want me hearing his conversation, so I decided it was as good of a time as any to deal with Justin. Plus I was a little worried he might decide to come here, and I rather not picture what would happen then.

-"Hello?" I answered trying to calm my voice down.

-"Ana, thank goodness! I was so worried!" Justin's voice sounded anxious.

I rolled my eyes.

-"I'm fine." I answered curtly.

-"I am relieved. You just took off with that Zak, you don’t even know him."

I sighed wondering what Justin wanted now. He only was concerned for me when he wanted something. But it also made me sad because it reminded me of the Justin I thought I had fallen in love with. When we first met he had not only been charming and sweet, but he always showed concern towards me. He was a decent guy. He brought me flowers at every date, took me out to see plays when the local theater had something I wanted to see, and he often popped into my work at lunch to just eat with me ...

I was silent, unsure on what to say, so Justin continued.

-"Listen, can I come over, I think we should talk."

I looked back and watched Zak talk quietly on his phone as he slipped into my bedroom.

-"I don’t think that’s a good idea."


-"I'm ... tired." I lied.

-"Is he there?" Justin asked harshly.

-"Zak has nothing to do with this." I said defensively. "I just have nothing to say to you right now."

-"Damnit Ana, since this asshole showed up you been different!" He shouted frustrated.

-"No I haven’t!" But I knew that was a lie. I was hiding a dirty little secret ... I slept with Zak, and I had one hell of a flashback at dinner tonight ... a flashback that made me want to remember everything about that night. "He just wanted to read my book ..." I finished in a small voice.

-"Whatever. You can’t avoid me forever."

Justin hung up the phone. I stared at my phone feeling very empty.

Waking up Hitched in Vegas | Ghost Adventures Zak Bagans FanFictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin