Chapter 11: A Wild Range of Emotions

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After Halloween passed, which by the way was totally fun, I decided I had to either go home or find somewhere else to crash. I knew Debbie was trying to stay calm but best friends aren't meant to be with each other 24/7, it's just too much. Besides she was annoying me too, with her small remarks about mates or Zack, not to mention I sorely missed having my own bed. Debbie's bed was big enough for the two of us, but nothing is like being able to sleep alone, without being hit or kicked or losing blankets. I decided to go after work, so I had enough time to hopefully just go to bed. I chose Monday, which meant I wouldn't be done until after closing time, around eleven. Hopefully they would all be asleep by then.

I had two bags full of my clothes and things stuffed in my car, which was another sign I should go home. It was sort of ridiculous having nearly my whole room traveling with me.

I dragged the bags inside with me, being careful to stay quiet. I pulled past the kitchen and living room, checking to see if there were any people sneaking midnight snacks or whatever. No one was out, so I silently made my trip to my room. I forgot there were two small children staying in my bed when I opened my door and lugged in the bags. I huffed.

I turned to leave but then heard a small voice call out.

"Mom?" It was the daughter, whose name I forgot.

"No sorry," I whispered back. "Go back to sleep.

"Are you the pretty girl who sleeps here?" I smiled. Pretty?

"Yeah, I'm Rita," I paused at the door. "Now go back to sleep."

"My name is Felicity," she said. I sighed.

"Well Felicity, you should go back to sleep it's really late-"

"I wasn't sleeping," she assured me. I chuckled. "Asher is!"

"Then you should be quiet and go back to sleep," I tried to not be annoyed. For having a quiet mother, the girl was a talker. She was silent for a moment and I thought that meant she would listen to me, but then she spoke again.

"You can sleep with us if you want," she finally said, warily. "Mom used to all the time, but not any more."

This kid was good at using the guilt card. Her voice lowered just enough to still sound sweet and needy. Guess she learned something from her mother. I didn't want to sleep with kids, though.

"It's ok, Asher likes to cuddle," she giggled. Against my better judgement I went up to my bed and saw her scoot over for me, pushing her little brother against the wall. "Chris told me you said it's ok to sleep in your bed."

My breathing hitched.

"Are gonna sleep here?" I nodded and laid next to her. I could see her more clearly and saw a miniature April. She had straight brown hair and huge brown eyes that made her the ultimate little angel, who could probably make herself cry in an instant, like her mother. She cuddled up next me, resting her head on my shoulder. Funnily enough, we both knocked out.

The next morning I found myself somehow between Felicity and her brother, with each curling up to me and holding an arm in a stronghold. I didn't know how to get up without waking them. I heard the door crack open and sounds of voices down the hall; everyone else must have been awake and having breakfast.

"Felicity? Asher?" Chris turned on the light. I squeezed my eyes shut at the instant exposure to brightness and heard him chuckled. Both children moved a little, Asher cuddling closer to me and Felicity pushed down the blankets. "Good morning."

"Morning," I replied with a yawn.

"You stayed!" Felicity said excitedly. Who knew bonding happened best while asleep. "I knew you would."

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