1 week lata

394 6 1

Lanee POV

It's a week later .. Stazi is living with me & everything is good . Chres and me still have tension but its all good . Right now we in a club well Stazi is home with my mom . We turning up . I had on a black tight short strapless dress , red bottoms , red lipstick , black chanel bag . I had my hair on Beyonce curls . I heard bandz a make her dance so I grabbed a cute boy and danced with him I saw Chresanto looking at us at the bar . I turned around an put his hands on my waist as I put my hands in the hair just then beat it by Sean Kingston came on . Me & the boy was swaying as I had my hands in the hair singing along he took my hands an we was just laughing till I went to the bar .

Chres said ..

"So you just dancing with anyone ? " he asked

"What ? Boy bye it's a club I'm just having fun ! Why do you even care I said "

"Because you know I want you but you keep moving funny " he said looking me up an down

"We'll doesn't that tell Yu something "I said over the music

"No , just tell me what's up with you .. Be real Lanee " he said sipping whatever he was drinking

"Look it's just that I'm not trying to get between what ever you have going on " just as I said that some girl walked up an tapped Chres

"Karlie? " he said hugging her , I just sat there & rolled my eyes

"OMG chres I missed you , how have you been " she asked staring him down

"Good good just been chillin , you ? " he asked staring Right back like he was in love it kinda made me jealous but whatever

"I've been good but now even better because I see you , who you here with Huns " she asked

"Um my crew they in VIP over there & this is Lanee she in the crew too " he said introducing us she put her hands out but I ingonred , I looked at her then her hand then her .

"Hi " I said then walked away

Chresanto POV

Lanee was being rude for no reason she don't even know sweet ole Karlie like come on . We talked for some more then she came with me to the VIP . I introduced her to everyone . To be honest I was kinda feeling karlie she looked good , but Lanee was jus 10000000 x better she just hard to get to I wanna be with her but idk .

Karlie POV

so that little bitch Lanee or whatever wanna be rude okay I'ma be even ruder this bitch gonna end up in the ER tonight on way or another . I want in on this crew , I want Chresanto & I want her to regret being rude I don't play that !

Lanee I sat there with Shanice as everyone danced .

"Yo Bestie I'm not feeling her " I said to Shanice

"Why ? " she asked with a concerned face

"Idk she just look sketchy plus she was all on Chres " I said

"O that's why , I'll be right back .. Dez wants me " she said getting up to him as they go to dance

I just sat the I smoked the hooka for a bit then Chresanto came an sat down with Katie the bitch I just sat there . I guess she caught on because she kissed him on the lips an he kissed back . Ip when he pulled away I looked him straight in the eye , he knew that would hurt me but he still did it . Karlie came over to me an sat down she said ..

" look I like Chres so just back off "

"Bitch he mines okay "I said

"Yea that's why he kissed me right ? " she said I just looked at her

"Yea that what I thought bitch " as she got up I got up I don't let no bitch disrespect me like that but as I got up she Lowkey ( Lowkey means on the down low like know ones knows or see ) kicked the little table an made the hooka fall on me it spilled on me . It burned so bad I fell to the floor an screamed as Chresanto ran to me and called the hospital , I blacked out .

Chresanto POV

I sat in the waiting room , the cew just left to get some sleep they been here for some hours . I had flash backs of Lanee's burns they were horrible & she losts a lot of blood . Her parents had to leave for ATL for a while so I'm staying with her at home until she gets better . Stazi should be okay with it she been talking to this boy . I walked into the room to see her watching tv .she saw me an smiled

"Hey Baby " I said

"Baby ? " she asked

"Yea baby " I said smiling the Kool-aid smile

"Okay then , Chres what happened last night ? "

" the hookah fell on you " I said

"No karlie made it fall Chres " she said looking at me

"No she didn't , why lie Lanee ? " I said confused at why she was lying

"I'm not I saw her kick the table then it fell " she said sternly

I chuckled "I swear all you do is lie to get attention "

"No I don't Chres she did I saw her I'm not fucking lying you dumbass"

"I'm not no dumbass Lanee you are , all you do is lie to get attention because your parents don't give you any an you have no one except your money" I said yelling years streamed down her eyes she started cry aloud not silent cry loud cry she sounded like a cute baby girl . I fucked up bad I didn't mean I didn't mean it I'm just mad .

"Lanee - (gco) "

"Leave *sniff sniff * now I can't beleive you Chresanto I wanna be with you Chres why can't you see . Your so fucked up I never wanna see you again I hate you ! Ugh all you do is ruin shit ! Man why couldn't you of stayed in your old school ?go ask her yourself if you don't believe me .. Dumb bitch falling for a dumb bitch too dumb bitchs that's no good get the fuck out NOW ! " she yelled crying I felt bad so I just left I had to come back to get her tmrw morning any ways .

Lanee POV.

I sat there sad an lonely . Chresanto was right I don't have anyone except for money . My parents aren't even here .i have a BestFriend but she has a life too . I just wanna get away some times .

"Ms.Bossmills ?" A nurse ask

"Mhm? " I say

"Pack your stuff you get to leave early just buy the cream for your cuts an burns okay? " she said

"Okay I will " I say

"Who's picking you up ? " she say

"Um the guy that was here last night " I say I was dressed in clothes my mom dropped off here before she left for ATL .just then Chres walks in

"Uh , you ready to go " he asked not looking at me

"Yea , but my legs hurt " I say lowly he sighed then picked me up bridal style an put me in the car .

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