The last Time Lord Part One

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I woke up and went to the bathroom in there I saw a girl we were both tall, and that's where the similarities just about stop. She had striking blue eyes that faded from almost midnight to baby blue; her nose was perfect not to big and not to small. She had ruby red full lips (even without makeup) her long eyelashes batted as she blinked. Her high cheekbones perfectly framed her lightly tan face; she was beautiful, and completely flawless. Even though she moved when I moved I looked around and even though I was looking into a mirror I still didn't believe it; then it hit me, like a bolt of lightning, the girl's confused face dropped and was replaced with a sorrowful one when I realized it, I was the last Time Lady.


"DIANA WAKE UP OR YOU WILL BE LATE FOR YOUR FIRST DAY OF HIGH SCHOOL!" My mother screamed as I fluttered my eyes open. The first thing I did was run to the bathroom.

I let out a sigh of relief when I saw my reflection. Yep! Still me. I stared at my reflection my squinty eyes were gleaming and a foggy shade of light brown my short stubby nose stood out the most. My lips were so thin they were barely there. I had freckles covering my nose and some of my skin. Other then that my skin was a pasty white. That's defiantly not who I was in my dream.

After taking a quick shower, getting dressed, brushing both my teeth and hair I was ready for my day, and with a swift and simple motion, I grabbed and then slung my back pack over my shoulder.

On my way to school I saw something... New, a police phone box (or so the blue box said). I could have walked by it and or ignored it but I found a strange... pull towards it I tried to open it, but it was locked.

My next action even confused me. I knocked, as if anyone one would answer. So I walk away almost disappointed, then it happened "hello?" An odd looking man peeked out and said. "Where did you come from?" "The same place as you of course ... If you don't mind me asking, what planet am I on?" I stared at him puzzled "Ummmm... Earth.?" I stated still confused "Ohhhh I like this planet it's nice here. What year is it?" "2007." My voice was slightly calmer I felt like I could open up to him for some strange reason.

He turns around and jogs off Into the big blue box i hear many footsteps agents metal. I have NO clue how this is possible the odd man ran into a room and I stepped into the box to find at lest some logic in what just happened. Then I run out do a lap around the box then step back in just as the bizarre man stepped in carrying a cart of... Jammy Dodgers?

He looks at me surprised as he shoved the cookie in his mouth. "" I couldn't get the words to come out, and before he let me continue he said "yes yes it is" he confessed as if he knew what I was going to say before I did. "Is it..." "Yes." "Are you?" "Yes." He answered all my questions before I even asked them. "Wow." Is all that came out of my mouth, and before I knew what was going on I was outside of the box wondering if the whole thing was just my imagination.


Later that night I had a strange dream like I have been for my whole entire life, but this time the odd man I met on my way to school was in it. I was at my job when I went to go give a friend of mine his pay, when I ran into living shop dummies. (This was practically nothing compared to the dreams I have had.) the odd man only spoke one word before I woke up. "Run!" It didn't look like him, but I just knew it was him I had the same pull towards him like I did on my way to school there is just something about that man that I just couldn't place my finger on. I woke up in the middle if the night. i had a hard time sleeping since my encounter with the blue box, later on that night as my eyes got heavier i slowly drifted to sleep and dreamt about silver men "DELETE!" I scurried to my feet as mutable robots chased me down a long narrow street in old town London. While I scrambled around the small town I ran into something. The blue box there I saw the crazed man waltz out without a care in the world. He stared at me in shock as I slammed into him and we both tumbled into the big box and I woke up. Peculiar now I knew the box that was bigger on the inside was just my imagination even then something inside me still thought it was real. Later while I was strolling to school the blue box was gone (of corse). When I arrived it was my second day of school and I was already being bullied by people who didn't like the fact that I was smarter then them. I was in collage classes and they were easy for me I am usually correcting the teachers (so they don't like me just as much as the students.) after torture, I mean high school I decided to go to the mall. My mother is acuity quite wealthy so I always had money on me. It was my five year old cousin Alexander's birthday so I decided to get him a toy or something else that he might want. He loves animals so any kind of animal will do. Just as I thought that, a silver rat zoomed by. Perfect. I went to the toy store to see if they had some in stock, but something else caught my eye. The mad man with the blue box. I hid behind an isle and watched him dance and play with the little kids. "Ha" a small accidental chuckle escaped my lips as I covered my mouth with a single hand. Dang. He saw me. He turned to me and stared with his soft green eyes. While his eyes were still glued on me he shooed the kids away and told them kids to go find their parents."oh my god!" was all he said.

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