The Last Time Loard Part Two

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He has had the same blank and lifeless look in his eyes ever since we arrived. That's why I refused to kiss him. "Its a test." is all he gives me. "What? What kind of test?" I am so confused. "A test to survive." Oh. that sort of test."


What's going on? one moment we were standing in the middle of the room staring at the sphere the next, gazing into each others eyes laying on the gold and silver sheets. What if we didn't make it?! What if we died!? I always thought I would die old maybe take on bee keeping or puzzle solving hand and hand with my husband ANYTHING I didn't care just not with the most beautiful man alien that ever lived, on another planet, in a castle, but dost every little girl.



I didn't mean to scare her. I know that I did, she has been staring at the same spot for about ten minutes. Why wouldn't she be scared. I just told her that she may die. When you have faced death and than walked away as many times as I have, it gets almost like a stile of living. She snapped back into real life than laid back down. Once I thought that she was asleep, I kissed on her forehead and told her "goodnight Diana. I love you."Just before drifting soundly to sleep. She is so beautiful.



What did he say!? My mind was circling with a billion questions with no visible answers. I snapped back into real life, and I was so close to being asleep that I could almost taste it, when the doctor kissed me on the forehead. Okay that's normal, the other doctor did it all of the time and to everybody. Than he told me goodnight. Okay still normal. Than BAM out of freaking nowhere he tells me he freaking loves me! What!? He was probably talking to his TARDIS. He does that a lot. I don't know what to think. should I say something. No, he probably thought I was asleep. This is probably a dream. Ya. That's it. Nobody would want to love me. A fat, dumb, clumsy, ugly, etc. Person like me.




She avoided me all morning. Was it something I said? was she really awake when I told her how I felt. In the corner of my eye I saw her glance at me when she thought I wasn't looking. I really messed up big time now. After I got dressed in my natural attire, as she war a blue sundress that went down to her knees with matching Converses. I chuckled at the fact that we matched. She looked at me like i was a madman for mere seconds until she realized what I was laughing at and giggled along with me. We laughed until are sides hurt. My cheeks ached immensely from all of the smiling.



After are consideration, neither one of us changed. Than, all of the sudden a voice appeared out of nowhere, "it's time." Whatever that was, I'm officially terrified. The Doctor and I stood in silence as I figured it out. Focused on the task ahead, I stared deeply in his eyes and him in mine. I broke the glances first and looked at the TARDIS only for a second, than back to him. After, he nodded understanding. Hand in hand we walked into a blank room with only white walls, and a 'control' thing in the center. There is no other way to put how the barren room looked. We stood there in awe, for it was the complete opposite of his TARDIS. A slow and shock filled "wow." is all I could say at the mysterious room that may be which I die in.


The doctor didn't have to pull a single lever. As soon as we steeped in the doors slammed shut and we hurdled through space and time. It was surprisingly a smooth ride. Well. At lest smoother than the one ride I had with the doctor. The doctor had a fear filled face plastered on as the TARDIS landed. The Angelic man was now staring at me and mumbled what sounded like a "were here." I was now shaking, and I'm pretty sure the doctor noticed because he walked over to me, placed his hands on my shoulders, and whispered "its ok. everything will be all right." we were mere inches apart like the at the plaice. But this time I leaned into him. I only gave him a quick peck on the lips, and winked before swaggering off to the TARDIS doors. He frightened me, but in a good way. The doors bursted open at the touch. Out side the doors was an old nineteen thirties London Town. The TARDIS seamed to speak and said "well doctor, you have survived this one time. So why not try it a second, just for kicks? Oh but this time doctor, we added a little, oh let's say, competition. But I'm sure the all powerful doctor can do this. All you have to do is get to the other side of the town in two hours. Ready. Set. Go." It all seamed so real. So life like. I'm sure he, we, can make it out again. Right?

Chapter four:

The doctor hasn't moved since he was 'spoken' to. He knew what it meant. One step out of the door, and a small child appeared. One with a gas mask covering the majority of his face. "Are you my mommy?" He asked. "No, no I'm not. here let me help you find her." I said, reaching out a hand to him for him to take. "NO! DON'T TOUCH HIM!" The doctor screamed as we both turned are heads towards him. Me and the 'gas mask child.' "Don't touch him. Or you will become like him." What did that mean the worst damage that this kid had was a small 'y' shaped scar on the back of his hand. "What do you mean 'like him'. What's wrong with him?" "He's empty. An empty child." "What do you-" "Are you my mommy." All eyes were on him now. "No honey I told you I-" "Are you my mommy?" "Mommy mommy. Is that you mommy. Mommy. Mommy I'm scared." As he finished, he reached up and grabbed my hand, than he vanished. Just vanished. Into thin air. What was going on? Why did the doctor have such a look of pure terror on his face? And what is this gagging feeling that is coming up my throat?

Chapter five:

I feel as if I might faint. Or blackout. Or whatever. I have began to sweat like crazy and a small 'y' shaped scar is beginning to form on my right hand. My lungs feel as if they are collapsing in on each other and I am struggling to breath. Life is good. Gasping for air, I finally faint. everything goes cloudy, and my legs feel like jello. I can hear the doctor yelling, but I can't respond. I feel, empty. As if something has been eating at my insides for ages, and has just now succeed. I go back to a time when I was about six, and playing on the swings as my mother pushes me. I giggle endlessly. Is this what it's like? Dying. I always thought it was a tunnel. One with a bright fluorescent white light at the end. Not this. Anything but a flashback of my most painful memories. I look back to see my mother pushing me again, and a man slowly coming up to her, a gun in hand. I shout, but no one seams to hear. The mysterious man grabs my mom from behind just as I fall off. I hit my head and am not able to move, for it ached to much. Yet I could see it all perfectly. "Give me the child." "What!? No!" "Give her to me, or she looses her precious mommy." "No! You may not have my child!" "Okay lady. But you asked for it." A gunshot went off with a loud 'BANG' and left my ears ringing. That was one thing I hoped to never see. Ever again.

Chapter six:

The endless pain ate at my insides as I watched my past flash by. As if it were an instant, yet an eternity. The most painful, and the most joyous of memories. And I couldn't do a thing. I just sat there, and watched. Would it ever end, or was I stuck in this never ending loop of tragedy? I, may never know.



I lost her. Again. I lost yet another companion. Great. Just great. Why am I so reckless? I lost yet another that I loved. Without saying good bye, I carried on, when a colossal maze made of hedges appeared on the horizon. As it did, I ran. I ran faster than ever before. Maybe, just maybe, if I were lucky (in which, I am) I could save her. I could save her, and everybody else.

Chapter seven:

The maze was confusing, but I am clever. Through the twists, turns, and dead ends. I faced daleks, weeping angels, slitheen, empty children, cyber men, silence, jadoon, ice warriors, sontarans, zygons, autons, silurians, axons, boks, clockwork robots, daemons, destroyers, racnoss, jagaroth, ood, ogrons, pyrovile, reapers, robots, robots of death, sea devils, teriletils, vashta nerada, wirrn, yetis, zarbi, sensorites, war machines, silurians, maras, sils, rani, haemovores, suekh, etc. And by the time I got out I had been a disheveled mess. But, at lest I hade hope.

Chapter eight:

Where the maze once was, now stood my final task. She was to pretty for words. She has wavy chestnut locks that went half way down her back. And every strand was placed perfectly and evenly. Her eyes bursting with the most marvelous shades of mahogany, to the most gorgeous shades of green. With light skin as flawless and smooth as an unbothered ocean. And she was almost my height in her shoes. How was I expected to kill such an innocent girl? How was I expected to kill Diana?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2013 ⏰

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