
403 9 1

"wut is we goin 2do baebo" cri rayn mizrablee

"idk mabye we shuld go on dat who iz da fathur shwo" braononon say

*spncrsmth da leperchan show up from litrlly nowher*

"i has secrt formulua liek plankton taht helpe yuu find owt hwo da fether iz" smirk spncr

"ohemgee doubleyuuteefff iz dat gren man" brenboy skrem liek babey

"jus drnk dis" spncrsmth force beboo two drenk magik gey gren potin

"srsly hez nt even da mpreg omgg" rayn cri eating entyre cartion of iskrem 

2 b cuntinueed 

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