Don't Say A Word {A Suicide Story} Chapter: 2

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Ha ha! Here is the next chapter! Sorry it took so long... T^T At least it's kind of a long chapter?


    I walked into my U.S. History class and sat down in my assigned seat. I was one of the last in, like always, since the hallway I hung out in was at the other end of the school. The classmate to my left was a quiet, scholarly student that did not talk much but to my right, was one of the school biggest bitches: April Lynn Wilson.

    “Hey, fat, emo freak. Cut anything cool into your arm lately?” April Lynn asked sarcastically. I did not reply, because that would just make things worse. “What, not going to talk? Why don’t you go cry in the corner then? It’s your only friend, isn’t it?”

    “Shut up,” I whispered.

    “What was that? All I heard was a cry of how stupid you are.”

    “I said, ‘Shut up.’” This time I spoke slightly louder.

    “Huh? You’re really stupid and like to cut and cry? We all knew that!” She laughed.

    “I said, ‘SHUT UP!’” I shouted the last part, getting fed up with her.

    “Oh, so the emo can talk!”


    “Oh, that’s rich! Too bad your bark is bigger than your bite!” I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist. April Lynn was laughing hysterically at her own comment and didn’t see me pull back my arm but surely felt the collision of my fist and her nose. “Ah! My new nose! You stupid, freak! I just paid for that!”

    “You! Luna Reece! Go to the principal’s office right now!” my teacher shouted as she walked into the room.

    “But I didn’t even start it!” I argued.

    “I don’t care, I’m ending it!” she yelled. Up from my seat and walked out of the room. I made my way down to the principal’s office where I was questioned immediately.

    “What did you do to get sent down here?” the principal asked me once I had sat down.

    “I punched a person who was bullying me in the face…” I stated in a seemingly sarcastic tone.

    “And who was this bully?”

    “April Lynn Wilson.” The look of recognition that flashed across the principal’s face told me flat out that she wouldn’t be getting in trouble for it. April Lynn’s father pretty much paid for the school, with all of the extra money he’s given it.

    “Ah, yes, Ms. Wilson. She does have quite a reputation but I’m afraid you do as well.” Which is true, I am often sent to the principal’s office for punching someone or cussing them out but the other person never gets in trouble. It’s only ever me. “I’m going to have to give you an in school suspension but I will make it for just this block. I believe you know where the room is? I’ll make the call down now, you may head out.”

    Yes, I did know where the ISS room is and cool, it was only for the rest of the block, but I knew very well that April Lynn was not going to be punished in any way. When I opened up the door to the ISS room, everyone turned to look at me. Granted there were only two other people in there, it was still everyone. I walked up to the ISS teacher so that I could sign in.

    “Oh, hello, Ms. Reece! How is your mother doing?” The female teacher asked me.

    “Fine, I think…” I said in a questioning tone. I barely knew this teacher and I’ve definitely never seen her at my house before. She could have been one of my mother’s old teachers because this woman was easily in her 60s. It’s not like I actually even know how my mother is doing. I never see her so I don’t even get the chance to ask how her day went… I sighed at this thought and sat down in my usual seat.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2011 ⏰

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