I turned upon reaching the corner of the paper, stepping towards Harry. My giggle escaped as he offered me a blackened hand, my fingers slipping into his. I was effortlessly tugged towards him, body bumping into his before my arm was raised above my head for Harry to twirl me round. I felt as though I should have been wearing a pretty dress, our movements appropriate for a couple dancing.

 I caught Harry’s eye, mouth ends curling up as I grabbed his forearm. The yellow paint from my palm smeared onto his skin as I rose up on my toes to press a kiss to his cheek. My fingers tugged lightly at the hem to his t shirt.

“Take it off.” I whispered.

A rumble vibrated through Harry’s chest as he laughed.

“Only if you take yours off.” He teased.

I shyly nodded, watching on as the white material was slowly removed from Harry’s long torso. My head tilted to the side in appreciation, my gaze admiring the way his muscles tensed, the fabric seductively peeling off. I had no control, my body gravitating towards his warmth, Harry’s frame towering over me. A breath was released from his parted lips as I swiped my thumb over his hardened nipple.

“Your turn.” He spoke.

My body retreated as Harry reached for me, the soles of our feet recording our movement. His expression was humoured as he attempted a second time, my reflexes not quite quick enough to evade Harry’s touch. Teasing bites were left to my neck as he playfully growled. My palms pressed to his strong chest, shrieking in laughter as we tumbled to the floor. I sat up astride his waist before gasping in surprise, Harry rolling us over. I ached to run my fingers through his soft curls but was unable to, my wrists becoming trapped above my head in Harry’s vast palms.

“You’re not getting away that easy.” He seductively whispered.


Not an hour had passed and our canvas was showered in prints in a range of different colours and sizes. Kisses were touches were shared, my t shirt suffering the same fate as Harry’s, left abandoned to the side. His colourful skin was warm against my own, our playful wrestling often ended with my body trapped beneath his. However, I was able to on one occasion, pin him down and streak black horizontal lines across his cheeks. I joked, telling him he reminded me of an American football player, to which he laughed and tickled at my sides.

I removed myself, shimming out of Harry’s touch and walking over to the table which held the camera. My hands were wiped on my ruined jeans, trying to rid myself of paint before picking it up and wandering back over the floor canvas. The device was simple and modern which I was thankful for, technology not being one of my strongest skills.

Harry was grinning up at me as he sprawled out on his back, splashes of colour flicked across his tanned skin. Smudges of paint adorned his torso, many of them inflicted by myself, the patterns trickling down his muscled arms. Adorable dimples popped as I aimed the shot and pressed the button down.

“Bo, come here.”

I was encouraged back down to the floor, Harry’s fingers grasping the camera and pointing at me. I giggled, covering my eyes with my hand before he removed the obstruction. Full lips pressed to my cheek before the flash lit up, illuminating our playful gestures. By the time we were done, the camera’s memory contained any number of photos, some documenting cheeky, stolen kissescaptured individual, paint-covered shots. I blushed at a few of the images, but Harry refused to let me delete them.

Harry was once more laid spread out on his back across the vast expanse of our colourful canvas. I climbed on top of him, knees either side of his waist. My fingers dipped into the red paint, witnessing his lashes flutter, eyes closing as I made contact with his bare skin. He released a deep sigh allowing me use his body as I pleased, completely at my mercy.

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