chapter six

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Elena hesitantly knocks on Jordan's door. Due to recent events Jordan is still a bit sensitive, and Elena doesn't want to upset her sister more. When Elena realizes that Jordan isn't going to answer she carefully pushes the door open. The door makes a creaking sound.

"Go away." Jordan's voice is muffled by her pillow, and Elena can hear she has been crying.

Elena ignores Jordan's request and she places herself on the edge of her sisters bed. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Jordan shakes her head no, but she does sit up. Only when Jordan has fully faced Elena, Elena can see in how bad of a shape she is. Her mascara is smudged on her cheeks and tears are glistening in the corners of her eyes. "Oh Jor," Elena sighs hopelessly as she puts her arms around her sister.

For a moment it is absolute quiet, but then Jordan's sobs echo throughout the room. "He killed her. Damon killed Lexi." Big, salty tears travel across Jordan's cheeks onto Elena's shoulder.

"It's in his nature, he isn't fazed by others peoples feelings." Elena coos her sister softly as she pats her hair.

"I thought he was different, I thought he changed. I guess not." The last words aren't meant to be heard by Elena, but she does, and it breaks her heart to see Jordan so fragile and vulnerable.

"I don't want to go to school."

"It's okay," Elena reassures her, "I'll tell them you're not feeling well, and that you decided to stay home for today."

"Thank you," Jordan whispers.

"Of course," Elena whispers back, but Jordan has already fallen asleep.

Elena carefully pulls the covers over Jordan's body. As Elena makes her way out she catches a glimpse of a black bird guarding at Jordan's window.

Jordan immediately wakes up once she hears Elena close the front door with a loud thud. While tossing and turning she tries to fall back to sleep, but with no luck. Jordan slips out of bed, and she takes place in front on her mirror.

Her reflection stares at her with dull eyes. Jordan wants to scream at herself for being so unbelievable stupid and naive. Damon is a vampire, for crying out loud, who has forgotten how to love.

A sudden thought occurs to her, and she clamps her hand over her mouth.


Lexi is—, was Stefan's best friend, and his own flesh and blood killed her. Why hasn't she thought about him earlier. He must feel horrible, as he must be blaming himself for letting such a thing happen.

Jordan rushes down the stairs like a lion may rush at its prey, and she has a bewildered look on her face. She doesn't tie her shoelaces nor does she take her coat as she sprints out the door. Her clothes, as well Jenna's frantic calling, are the least of her worries, and she doesn't mind that she still is in yesterday's clothes.
Jordan whips her head around repeatedly, which makes her hair become a tangled mess, as she decides whether to run all the way to the boarding house or to take her motorcycle. The decision, however, is made quickly once she realizes the keys of her motorcycle are still in the pocket off her jacket, and she sprints off.

Jordan's footsteps clatter loudly on the pavement. Her breathing is hallow and short, and with every step she takes more black spots appear that block her vision. Jordan's regret of not using her motorcycle spreads like a wildfire.

Jordan finally arrives at the boarding house, not without struggle however. She is panting loudly as she bows forward to catch her breath. Jordan realizes that she has to train harder and more often, if she ever wants to beat a vampire. Thinking about training lead to thinking about Damon, and thinking about Damon leads to a pang in her heart.

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