Thank you!!& (A/N)

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A/N stands for authors note. If you didn't know.
Okay so first off, thank you for 204 views. I know it's a little bit but for me it means a lot more. I didn't think I would continue writing this book but after seeing 204 views, I will continue with the book. Again thank you, everyone who is reading this book.
So my next chapter and other chapters I will need 6 people, like I said in my last chapter. I will need:
Eye color(Any color you prefer or just your natural eye color):
Hair color and length :
3 different powers you wish to have and if you want your eye color to change when you use your powers:
Name or nick name:
Are you male or female:
(E.T)- Anything else you want
Also vanoss or delirious team?
Well that's all I need but if you want me to put anything else, then go for it just message me. Depending on how the story goes I will probably mention you in either the next chapter or other chapters. First 6 people. I as well will be in the book.
Just message me you're  character or comment on this.
~Till next time~

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