We All Have Our Mistakes

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Ella's POV:

I rolled my eyes, "Because my name is Elena, get out," I said harshly and pointed toward my door. Stefan didn't seem phased and sped out of my room. I sighed and covered my face with a pillow. Was that as weird for him as it was for me?

I sighed and laid back on my bed. Folding my hands together over my stomach and staring at the ceiling. I snorted thinking about how he'd harshly called me Elena and chuckled quietly to myself.

Then it hit me. What if that conversation was like one that he'd had with Elena? Maybe that's why he got so harsh? Maybe that's why he called me Elena? Ugh, I can be stupid at times.

With a huff of breath, I sat up and swung my legs over the side of my bed. I slowly stood up, gaining my balance in seconds and trotted toward the door. I'd have to find him and apologize for not giving him a chance to explain himself.

As I made my way down the corridor I began to wander back in my thoughts. About Stefan's Ripper side. What if it got worse? Why do I even care? I couldn't really figure that out. All I knew is that I did care, about what might happen, about what had happened, about Stefan in general I guess.

But I was stopped when someone's arm wrapped around my waist, immediately knowing who it was I smiled and turned around in his hold. "Hi Ella." I gulped but kept my smile trying to hide my fear.

"Hi Silas."

---Nine days later---

I slipped into my shoes, grabbing my leather jacket off the coat hanger and sliding out of my bedroom door, slowly, careful not to wake anyone in my house up. Well it's a shared house but still you get it. Creeping past Stefan's door, I placed my ear against it listening for any sounds.

There was only the slow steady breath of his as it came out in puffs while he slept. The sound tormenting my unbeating heart. Yeah, Stefan was good looking, but he seemed to be something more to me. I hadn't quite figured out what but I knew it was there. Unfortunately.

It's been a few days since Stefan called me Elena. He just leaves the house, comes back with blood all over him and rushes to his room. It's like his whole world came crumbling down at the mere mention of this Elena who I still need to meet and kill yet.

A small sigh left my lips as I continued down the hall, the small pit pat of my feet the only known noise around me. You're probably wondering where I'm going, or sneaking off to, and just to tell you I'm sneaking off to see Silas. He texted me last night saying we needed to meet. So now, here I am, driving to Mystic Falls at 3a.m. Just to meet a guy who could so easily kill me.

Quickly sticking my keys in the ignition of my Range Rover, I backed up out of the driveway and started off down the road. I was kind of anxious to just end this meeting. Who knows what it could be about. Maybe Silas knows I'm the one who took Stefan... well I wouldn't say took, he asked to come with me, sort of.

While lost in my thoughts I hadn't noticed someone had stepped out into the road, right in front of my car, until the thud of the impact came through my ears. In panic I parked and jumped out, slamming the door shut behind myself. Blinking rapidly I stepped in front of the car slowly, only to see Stefan, sitting there, rubbing his head with his eyes squinted and a frown shown on his light pink lips.

As an exasperated sigh left my lips, his eyes shot open. And that's when I noticed, his eyes were bloodshot, and his plain white shirt had dark red stains. I blinked again hoping this was all a joke and stared more intently at him.

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