Lovely Way To Meet You

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I stood there with my back turned to the total stranger who hadn't said a word since I'd saved him. Right now I was standing in just a bra, my pants and underwear as I rung out my shirt and had set my leather jacket off to the side to dry. This guy owes me, big time.

With a groan I slid on the still ice cold fabric and turned back around to see the strangers Brown eyes on me. When he saw I was looking he quickly turned his back and slipped off his jacket.

The guy turned back to face me again and walked toward me. When he was practically right in front of me he half his jacket out to me, "I'm not as wet as you, my stuff is still.. warm."

My hand reached out slowly and I accepted his offer slipping my arms through his jacket sleeves. "So um.. how'd you.. you know," my brain racked itself for words but nothing seemed to come out.

A low chuckle escaped his lips. "Get stuck in there?" He asked an amused expression slightly replacing the one of hunger. I tried to push his hunger look from my eyes but it just wasn't leaving. "Long story." Once again he turned his back to me and walked forward

I pulled my hair into a soggy ponytail and grabbed my leather jacket, following the stranger. "Silas?" I asked quietly fiddling with my thumbs as he looked for a way of getting away from the waterfall.

So badly I wanted to tell him that I knew he wasn't human, but ,,didn't want to have to compel him if I was wrong. Although I really highly doubt I was wrong.

At the mention of Silas' name he completely stopped moving. He stood there as if he was a statue for a few minutes before slowly turning to face me again. His gaze was like fire. I felt my skin burning under his intense glare. "I swear Silas if you're impersonating another person I'm getting fucking sick of your games-"

Covering his hand with my mouth I shushed him removing it. "I'm not Silas, he's probably long gone. And I've known him a while, he wouldn't let you out if he was here." I shrugged aimlessly and looked around the waterfall.

He didn't say anything, he just stood there until my gaze fell on him again. "So, what's your name? And what are you? A human doppelganger or a supernatural doppelganger? Not that they aren't supernatural, but, yeah." I nodded my head.

For a second he opened his mouth and closed it again trying to muster everything. "Uhh.. Stefan, Stefan Salvatore. You are?" He raised an eyebrow.

I smiled and poked his forehead. I had to stand on my tiptoes to do it, but I did it. "I'm Ella Starr. You can call me El if you'd like. And you still need to answer my second question Mr. Salvatore. I'm a vampire." I spoke completely casually and leaned against the rocks by the water.

He, or should I say Stefan, shifted to face me and sighed quietly. "You definitely not Silas, he wasn't this.. perky, or.... different? I'm a.. Uhh.. doppelganger vampire, I guess."

With a small chuckle I patted him on the shoulder. "Just vampire Steffypoo." He have me a weird look at the nickname but I just shrugged my shoulders. "BTW, you look very hungry."

"It's that noticeable, ey?" He shifted his weight from one foot to the other while keeping his eyes fixed on me.

I nodded. "Yep. Now O positive, or B negative?" I licked my lips thinking of my two favorite blood types and looked at Stefan's face. He seemed slightly taken aback by how forward I was being in this whole situation.

The look suddenly changed to one of curiosity and amusement. "I don't really drink, I mean, eat people anymore.." He hastily replied and shrugged his shoulders before grabbing me by the waist and jumping with me up onto the top of the waterfall.

A small smile tugged on my lips but I held it in while walking forward. "Well then, let's find you some antelope and-" before I couldn't finish my sentence Stefan's nose twitched and he turned his head to the right.

Using my senses I tried to single down that smell that he seemed to want desperately. Suddenly it came to me, a humans blood smell flooded my nostrils. And within seconds Stefan was already gone after it. Quickly I sped after him but it seemed his cravings were making him faster. And you'd think a vampire with no human blood in their system, or any blood for that matter, would be easy to outrun.

I followed the human scent and heart beat directly to Stefan who was watching the girl closely, she was definitely drunk too. His fangs prominent in his mouth and veins completely exposed, along with his eyes. I have to admit, he looked hot like this.

But I laced my fingers around his bicep tightly holding him back. He tried to shake me off but all I did was tighten my grip each time he tried. Stefan shot me a glare before quickly switching our position and shoving me into a brick wall harshly. I groaned in pain and his hand clasped around my neck tightly. He growled in my face and I gasped for breath, each given second his grip getting tighter.

That was until the girl began giggling uncontrollably, making Stefan drop me and make his way toward her. For a moment I sat there on all fours gasping and I heaved myself up remembering Stefan was about to do something he'd regret later on.

But by the time I was even seeing him and the girl. He had his eyes shut and head buried in the crook of her neck as he drank. I could hear small slurp noises and listened even closer. The girl had no more heart beat. She was already dead. Why was he still feeding?

I took a few steps closer to him and saw the girls right arm start to detach at the shoulder blade. I gasped and covered my mouth quickly. More slurp noises came before the sound of a sharp rip could be heard. The girls left leg fell off the body and I took a step back in slight fear. Her body began to crumple to the ground as her right arm and leg both detached from her body. Stefan ended on his knees and continued to drink.

"Stefan!" I cried out as small broken sobs left my lips. "Stefan!" I tried again as the other arm began to detach from the girls corpse. "Stefan!!!" This time I screamed as loud as I could and he quickly pulled back. The girls head rolling off her neck and stopping at my bare feet.

A small choked sob escaped my lips as the girls scalp lightly brushed against my feet. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Stefan panicking while mumbling, "no, no, no, no, no," over and over again to himself as he tried to put her limbs back together in a rush.

Blood fell from his chin hitting the pavement as I slowly walked over to him, "Stefan," I whispered holding in more fearful sobs. He ignored me and continued his 'puzzle'. "Stefan," I got slightly louder and placed a hand on his shoulder.

He flinched and turned around quickly pinning me up against the brick wall yet again. When he saw it was just me he let me go and fell to his knees wrapping his arms around my middle torso and placing his head on my stomach. I felt hot tears hit the bottom of my shirt as he let out small cries and pleas for forgiveness. I knew for sure then and there that Stefan was hurt, badly, and couldn't control his need for human blood at all. And I knew, definitely, that'd this shirt would have a lot of stain tomorrow.

Cautiously I placed a hand in his hair and pulled him back lightly, trying my hardest not to cause him pain. I slid my back down the brick wall and once I landed in front of him, he quickly reattached himself to me and continued to sob.

I sat there for hours letting Stefan get all his emotions out. I played with his hair which seemed to calm him slightly as he laid his head in my lap and fell asleep. The remains of blood on him were dry and crispy. He'd definitely need a shower tomorrow. And some new clothes.

A small sigh let my lips as I looked down at him sleeping face. He'd resembled so much of a fallen, broken angel if you saw him now. And I knew that's exactly what he was. After the little scene that had happened I knew how much he needed someone.

Thinking about how this was our first meeting I chuckled. "What a way to meet someone.." I whispered and bent down kissing his forehead lightly before closing my eyes and letting the darkness take over.



So this is the official first real chapter... probably sucky, huh? Tell me what you think, I love feedback. Vote and Comment! A fan too if you'd please c:


p.s. Starting in the next chapter I'll be adding songs to listen to while reading the chapter.... okay bye!

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