Whoever was doing this knew that. They knew about Brayden, and they let him spend the last five years of his life rotting in prison. And now they had set their sights on me, for whatever unknown reason. Leaving me to tremble as I waited for them to appear. This had to be by design. They wanted me to be afraid. My anxiety was rising by the minute, and I wanted to scream.

Almost as if on cue, the sound of the electronic lock in the door beeped, followed by a soft click. My entire world came to a standstill as my chest rose and fell in soft measured breaths. I tried to stay calm, but it wasn't working. Tears stung my eyes as footsteps padded across the room towards me.

"Hello, Brighton."

Goosebumps skittered over every inch of my body.

The way he said my name. I couldn't describe it, but there was something off about it. The emotion he conveyed in that simple word was almost too much, and yet not enough. There was a certain inflection that sounded so familiar, and yet his voice was unrecognizable. Low and soft. Calm, but forced. As if there was anger boiling just beneath the surface and he was very practiced at hiding it.

"I see you've followed your instructions," he continued. "Does that mean you agree to my terms?"

I wanted to tell him to go fuck himself. I wanted to tell him he was the most disgusting human being that ever lived. But instead, I swallowed my anger and responded as politely as I could muster.

"I have some questions first."

"I thought you might."

The bed dipped as he sat beside me, and I nearly jerked my arm out of the socket when he touched my shoulder.

"Are you going to hurt me?"

He hissed out a breath of air, and in that moment, I desperately wished I could see his face. To know what this stranger was thinking. What he planned to do with me. Knowing in my mind he was going to touch me and actually feeling it were two completely different things. Panic was setting in, but I couldn't show him that. I couldn't show him weakness.

"I don't fuck women who aren't willing," he snarled. "I thought I made that clear enough. Did you not read the agreement?"

"I did," I croaked. "You want complete control of my body and life for six months. I just don't really understand what that means."

He wrapped his fingers around my ankle and pulled it into his lap, but instead of fighting him, I left it there as he stroked my skin. I gritted my teeth as I prepared for the worst, of the certain disgust I should feel. But his touch was gentle and warm, which confused me. When I came here, I expected something awful to happen to me. Something I might never be able to recover from. But if it meant Brayden not spending the next twenty years in prison, then it was a sacrifice I was willing to make.

"Why don't we go over the terms together," he suggested. "I will clarify whatever it is that confuses you."

There was an arrogant pleasure in his tone that I didn't like, but still I nodded. I needed to understand exactly what I was getting myself into. Exactly what I would be giving up to help Brayden.

The stranger shifted his weight, followed by the sound of rustling papers. He began to rattle off the terms as though this were an everyday occurrence for him.

"Section One. You will be available to me at any time that I may wish, day or night, seven days per week. The length of this agreement is for a period of six months, including any and all holidays. As part of these terms, you agree to maintain phone contact a minimum of once per day in the form of text. Any questions so far?" he asked.

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