Chapter Seven~Has Time Rewritten Every Line?

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Pushing away from my desk, I stood to back away, but Lucas stood, grasped me in his arms and held me close.  I raised my hands to his powerful shoulders to try to get away but he held me too tightly. 

“We belong together, Aylaina,”  he said in a hoarse whisper.  “All these months, seeing you, even if it’s just been fleeting.  It’s agony for me.”  His arms were still embracing  me firmly and my hands were on his shoulders, pushing him away.  I could feel his heart pounding violently in his chest

“Lucas,”  I said, breathlessly, my own heart beating wildly.  “What if it doesn’t work and we end up in some other century?”

“Then at least we will be together,”  he replied, stroking my hair.

Looking up into Lucas’ handsome face, our eyes met and we gazed at one another for quite a long time.  Very slowly, very deliberately, his lips met mine in a soft caress.

Quickly I turned my head.  “Lucas, we can’t do this.  I’m afraid that I’m reacting to how much you resemble Guy.”

“I don’t care.”  he said softly in my ear as he kissed my cheek.

“I do.”  I replied, vehemently.  “I’ve changed.  If you really know me, Lucas, then you know that I’m  a Christian and.....celibate.  You must have believed the same way, too since I wouldn't marry someone who didn't. ( 'Except Guy', a voice in my head reminded me)

"Did we make love before we were married?”

“No.” he said, looking down.  Once more Lucas caressed my cheek. "But God left me when I lost you in time.  He must not care about me to let me loose you like that."

Lucas continued to kiss my ear.  “What was that all about at the club?”  he asked, as he raised my chin up to peer into my eyes..

“Y--you know I had too much to drink.”  I replied.  “I was being stupid.”

Lucas continued to kiss my face and neck.  Once again in my ear he said, “We are married.  We’re not doing anything wrong.”

“You know that, but I don’t remember it, so it’s as if we’re not married to me.  And what about all those women you see.  Some married man you are!”  I emphasised.

“I haven’t been to bed with any of them since you arrived.”  Lucas said, in earnest.  “Prior to that, I thought you were dead.  Fourteen hundred years ago.”  He resumed his caresses.

The door opened and Nicky came barrelling into the room shouting.

“I’ve done it!  I’ve finally.....”  His voice trailed off as he saw Lucas trying to kiss me.

“Ah, oh.  Sorry.  It’s...just...that I made a breakthrough, but I see you two have made a breakthrough of your own.”  Nicky’s face was red with embarrassment. 

“It’s okay, Nicky!”  I cried out to the awkward man, now backing out of the room.  Lucas loosed his grip on me and I ran to Nicky, caught his arm and guided him to the sofa.

Lucas reluctantly joined us.

“So, Nicky.”  Lucas began, “Tell us what you have.”

Nicky inhaled.  “I have the formula for the tracker.  I can build it now and soon we can test it just like your father did, Aylaina!”  He was very excited and could hardly sit still.

“That’s wonderful!”  I cried, excitedly.  I began to dance around the room.  Finally, something could be done.  Whether it was Lucas and I going back to the 21st century or this new band of Merry Men fixing their past, something was going to happen!

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