Chapter Five

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I woke up with a stinging pain on my wrist, which was tangled up with a rope behind my back. My thighs were tied up too, imagine my position, tangled up with a sitting position to an old wooden chair. I cringed when I felt the pain in my head, trying to figure out where I was. Last memory were me getting inside Kristen Harville's car feeling sleepy-

Was it possible that she abducted me? Why?

I scanned around the room―plain white walls and ceiling, practically nothing was inside except me, a chair which I'm sittiong on, and a small window. I tried to struggle my wrist free from the rope, which made it stings more. But I pushed the thought aside, trying to untangle the rope. I wanted to reach the window and at least know what kind of place this is. The rope was getting loose, but suddenly, I heard footsteeps not far from this room. It felt like there was no hope anymore.

But the next thing surprised me even more. The door swung open, revealing Kristen. Kristen Harville. Did she just abducted me? My mind were filled with questions, lots of them. The most important thing now was to know where I am. She squatted in front of me, but I couldn't read her face expression, it was a mix of emotions behind the smile she putted on.

'I knew it,' she started talking. Her tone was damn serious, with no hint of hesitation or fear. 'Admit it, Dylan. Even though I knew it, it would feel better if you voice it out yourself,' she continued as her electric blue eyes met mine. As silly as it sounds, it sent shivers down my spine. She was beautiful in a creepy way.

Wow, I'm literally abducted by a beautiful billionaire's daughther. Cool.

But I'm not cool. Because everything was so confusing and my head hurts like a bitch. Admit what?

'There is no one in this room except us! Why are you staying mute? Speak. It. Out!' She demanded and I sensed a hint of anger. What the hell was she talking about? She was breathing furiously by then, eyes staring at mine.

And before she got the chance to burn me alive with her stares, I managed to figure out some words that she was probably searching for, 'cxw12345?'

Anyway, it was my instagram's password.

She just stood there, speechless. I wonder if she was shocked about the fact that I surrendered too easily. Or perhaps someone would not go as far as abducting someone for their instagram password...

'What?' She askes, a hint of disbelieve laced her voice. 'Cx what? What are you talking about?' Now her face redden in anger, eyes filled with a cold blue ice clashing with blue fire. I liked the idea of having blue fire as a superpower. Or telekinesis, blue-colored preferably. I should probably realize that I was in a middle of a conversation with a criminal.

Criminal. Sounded silly because, dang, what could a girl possibly do all by herself?

'Well, what are you expecting me to say?' I tried to sound calm and cool. But yet there was still a faint of curiousity and fear deep inside. She looked hurted and frustrated as she digest my question. Man, can a girl be more complicated than this? I flinched a little as my head ringed, sending unbearable pain all over my brain. What actually happened to get me all the way here? Could she had banged my head to something?

Then it hitted me like a bus. Vast ocean. Warm sun. Boat. Everything happened before I fell to the ground, feeling an awful pain in the back of my head. She hitted me with something. Hard enough to send me unconscious for quite a couple hours. I didn't think I should underestimate this girl.

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