The Devil In Me

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I was sweating badly. I stared into the mirror; at my face. I was clutching a pair of sharp scissors. As I kept staring something stared changing. Those beautiful eyes I was staring at weren't twinkling anymore. They became blood red. And they slowly started getting filled with blood. My eyes burned. Thick red drops of blood rolled down the cheeks of the girl in the mirror. I was horrified on seeing this. I trembled with fear. But I was burning inside...burning with anger.

Kill her.....

"No..." I whispered in that cranky sound.

I was still staring, hoping for the blood to disappear. But instead something more terrifying happened. As I glanced at my palms I saw my nails grow longer. I was paralyzed with fear and realized that my nails were almost the size of my fingers.

As I continued to look at my now wicked palms I noticed something on my wrist. It was a bracelet. A pink and the most beautiful bracelet anyone had ever seen. With intervals of pearl, it had something written on it.


I pictured that scene, around ten years back, on my fifteenth birthday.

"Happy birthday Susan! Now close your eyes!"

"But why?"

"Stop arguing and do it!"

I closed my eyes. I felt my wrist being held. I could feel something being slipped into it.

"Now open!"

I opened them and automatically saw my wrist.

"Oh my god! This is so BEAUTIFUL! Amy, I love you so much!"

"I love you too honey!"

We hugged for so long at that time.

My face was now almost covered with blood. I touched it carefully trying not to hurt myself with those long nails.

Kill her...

"No..." I said, louder this time; as I kept staring at my horrific transformation. And as I continued to do so I pictured what had happened the day before. I remembered it. I remembered it so well.

Amy's arm wrapped around Aden. Aden was all over her. They lay beneath the sheets, kissing. I could see Aden's bare back. He was the Aden whom I had loved. He was the Aden to whom I was getting married in a month.

I refocused myself to my horrible image on the mirror. I couldn't take it anymore.

Kill her....

"NOOOOO.......!" I screamed my lungs out.

I marched out of my house with rage. I kept walking till I reached a house two blocks away. I didn't need to ring the bell. I had the duplicate keys. I opened the door slowly. I marched towards the staircase. I knew my way. I knew which door to open. I peered inside the room. It was dark. There was only a small light beside Amy. She was sleeping. I saw her hands; the hands that must have touched Aden. I saw her lips which must have kissed him; her arms which must have wrapped him. I couldn't stand her. I nearly ran to her and stabbed her in the neck with the sharp scissors I was holding. I kept stabbing with my eyes closed. I didn't see her struggling. I never wanted to. All I could hear was muffled cries and pleads. At last I stopped. I opened my eyes and looked at her. She lay in a pool of blood. Her eyes were open and huge with terror. Not only her neck, her entire body had been drenched in blood. She was not breathing.

The sight made me cry. I cried beside her for a long time. I kept my hand on hers to see that bracelet when I noticed something. My nails weren't long as before. They were short and clipped. Only now they were covered with blood. I stood up and went in front of the mirror. That same mirror where we used to make-up together. I was astonished to see my beautiful face with those old eyes which Aden used to say were like stars. No blood. I looked at myself and couldn't believe that the girl standing in front of me had killed her best friend. But I didn't cry. I knew what to do.

I picked up the scissors from the floor. Gulped once. Then I stabbed my wrist with it., puncturing my veins. Burning pain shot through my arm and body. Blood was gushing out of the wound. I walked to the other side of the bed and climbed on to it. Amy's mangled body lay on the bed. I lay beside her, our heads touching. I smiled when I saw her face. Closing my eyes I waited for the sun to rise, the sun I would not be able to see.

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