i. risk it all

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She held her breath and dove at the icy waters. She didn't know if she was being brave or being stupid. But either way, she would gain nothing but the sound of it.

She swam deeper and her vision started to blur as she felt all hope drain out of her as the sight of the boy begins to fade away. She soon thought what if gets lost at the midst of the dark endless void. Would someone save her too?

She finally saw cloth swaying through the calm waters, she immediately swam into that direction and fell into a complete halt as she saw his face. She never saw him this close, she just saw him occasionally when he would come to talk to Master Skywalker for only a brief period of time. Then he would leave, leaving her unfazed with all the mysteries she would want to find out someday.

She snapped into her senses and grabbed him towards the shore. He wasn't breathing yet she could feel his pulse run through hers, and that was already enough to tell that he was still alive. Yet it scared her that it might start to fade away, so she starts to call for help.

"Ben, stay with me."

> >

She woke up with this uneasy feeling on her chest. Memories from earlier hurting her head. "Where am I?" Her voice was hoarse from screaming and it made her regret for talking.

A droid entered the room, "Finally you're awake!" She realizes that it was C-3PO. "Master Luke has been worried sick about you." The droid exclaims.

Luke has been the closest person she can describe as a father. He brought her from the Resistance Base, just like her mother told her. Luke suspected that she was one of best Force sensitive child he has ever came across. And she is.

She ignores him and winces at him for being too loud. "How long was I out?"

"You were out for five hours. But don't worry, you are fine now." He spoke, being the jolly droid as ever.

Her heart beat faster as she remembered everything. "Where is he?"

"Who is?"

"The boy." She says, "Ben Solo, the one who was drowning." His name was so foreign for her. She thought about it countless times but she never said it out loud.

"Oh Ben, don't worry about him." The droid says, "He has been awake for two hours now. He's fine." The droid reassures. "He's in the temple with Luke."

She nodded and laid back at her bed. She let out a sigh. "Did he even know that I saved him?" A tone of disappointment present in her tone.

The droid fell silent, almost feeling guilty for her.

"Did he?" She asks again.

"He did not ask about it, Karisa."

"Oh," It was all she could say.

'Well that ungrateful bastard.' She thought, after all she's done for him. After all the thoughts she has in that moment that almost drove her insane. She was willing to sacrifice her life for a stranger, and she was unrecognized about it. Nice going, Karisa.

She immediately thought about the droid that was with her.

"Thank you C-3PO. Please tell Master Luke that I'm fine." She tries to smile at him as she let out a heavy breath out. "You can leave now if you wish."

"Thank you Karisa." He waves his hand, "I'll inform Master Luke immediately."

She nodded and gave herself a shut eye. But someone barged in the room at the second she did. It was her friends.

"Karisa, you're awake!" Thalia walked in her, jet black hair waving at her back. "We were so worried about you." Another familiar face soon followed her.

She chuckled and sit up from bed, "Well actually, you woke me up. But okay, I appreciate your visit." She smiles as she engulfs her in a hug. Your eyes trail up to Edward, you give him a small smile as Thalia let go of the hug. "Ed, how are you?"

"I should be asking you that question," He chuckles and walks up to you. "I'm not the one who almost died saving someone." She rolls her eyes and laughs. She actually expected for him to say that. She's just glad that they are here to take off Ben out of her mind.

She looks around and find two more of her friends are missing. "Where are Rey and Robert?" She furrows her brows at them, a tone of sadness present in her tone.

"Their presence was needed by Master Skywalker." Thalia spoke up, "But no need to feel left out or anything- they actually visited you before they went to the temple."

"Robert was this close to putting Mrs. Toflander's slab on your hand, to obviously pull a prank on you when you wake up." Edwards laughs. Don't even get me started with Mrs. Toflander, she's the worst cooking lady, ever.

"Okay, I guess I have to talk to him then after their meeting with Master Skywalker." I put on my boots and stretch out. I grimace in pain as I came across a bandaged wound around my shoulder. 'How did I even get this?' She thought as worry filled her. But she let go of it as soon as they left the room.

But little did she know, someone was already reading her thoughts the very moment she woke up.


Hello lovelies,

Thanks for reading the first chapter ever of Castle. This is actually my second book written about Kylo Ren. A lot of authors actually inspired me to write. I've never been so captivated with my character in my whole life. And the author of the books dedicated to him, made me love him even more. This pushed me to write stories about him. I have to say that I'm actually not that good and experienced with writing books with such different themes and environment. But needless to say, I'm doing my best to entertain you all!

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