My turn

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My turn

[Dara's POV]

"Oppa...?" I opened the lamp beside my bed and adjusted my vision...

"No Dara... it's me..."

"Omma...? W-what... are you doing here...?" I suddenly felt nervous again

'What is she doing here in the middle of the night..?' I thought... I immediately sat up ad my body began to stiffened as she slowly approached me

"Dara we need to talk..." she said coldly... she sat at the edge of my bed and I could see her face expressionless...

"But... can we... just talk tomorrow mom since... i-it's already late..." I stuttered... I already know what she wanted to talk about but I'm still not ready to hear it from her...

"No Dara... I want to talk to you right now... maybe you already know what I'm talking about..."

"No mom... I- I don't know..." I can't look straight to her eyes because I'm lying... I just want to get away on this confrontation...

"Don't hide it anymore... I already know about you and Jiyong..." she said... I quickly looked at her upon hearing it... I saw her face still expressionless.... I felt stiffer and tears are starting to form in my eyes again... I hate myself for being this weak, and I can't even stop my emotions to pour out...

"Dara-ah... you must stop this nonsense now... he's your cousin for Christ's sake..! Upon hearing that, tears started to fall... I can't believe that this is happening right now.... I can't believe that mom is saying this... I tried t shook my head but I won't wake up... he nightmare that I've wanted not to happen already become a reality...

"Ho-how did you know...?" I tried to act calm but my tears won't help me... she tried to wipe my tears off but it kept on pouring out...

"Rumors are spreading fast... do you think I wouldn't know...? I didn't believe it at first but because it's getting worse, I hired someone to look up on the both of you... I can't believe you both could do this...." She said as she gripped on my shoulder...

"But... mom... I love him..." I couldn't stand this anymore.... I don't want to be separated from him...

"Stop it Dara..! You're still young..! You don't know anything about love...! If your father knows about this... I'm sure both of you will get hurt more...!" She said as she tightened her grip... I shrugged it off, stood up and ran towards my door... I want to see him... I don't want to be separated from him... but mom caught my wrist and pulled me back to face her...

"No mom...! You are the one who doesn't know how much I love him...! I will never leave him no matter what happens...!" I tried to reason out...

"Dara don't make this hard for the both of us... don't ruin this family just because of your selfishness...!" she said

"Family...? Since when did we act as a family...? There was no family in this house... it was only been me and Jiyong and those maids...!" the next thing I know is that I heard a loud slap and I am slumped on the floor holding my swollen face... I cried harder for I felt really helpless... I hope that Jiyong could hear me and come save me from mom....

She bowed down and caressed my cheek..

"I'm sorry Dara... I didn't mean to hurt you... it's just that I don't want the both of you to be hurt when everything got exposed... I love you both... and if your father knows about this... who knows what he will do to Jiyong.... You're our only daughter Dara... I love you so much that I don't want you to get hurt just because of the scrutinizing world we have.... Leave him now before you two got hurt more... before he got hurt more" she said as she hugged me...

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