Chapter two

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"Run everyone!" Dyras cried to the herd. "Into the forest!"

My eyes race in all directions, legs frozen in place. I'm too scared to move.

"Sonyadore!" Kaleesi screams at me, snapping my attention to where she is running up to me. "Run! It's a roundup!"

I shake my head and dart in the opposite direction of the forest. Running straight past her, I tell her I'm sorry, feeling regret of the fear in her eyes. She screams for me to stop from behind and I ignore her pleas. I have to do this. I can't stand back and watch my herd die. I can't be a coward. Not this time.

Horses race past me, begging me to turn back, that I'm going the wrong way. I'm going exactly where I need to be...straight to the enemy.

"Hah! Hah!" The men shout from on top of their horses, in all directions.

"Come on, get up!" a rough looking man says from on top of a white stallion, with a black mane and tail, as they come out from behind the mountain, a hundred or so meters away. They're chasing a young colt, Haven.

I push myself to gallop harder, thanking my shifter endurance, and head straight for them. The man is so focused on the colt that he doesn't see me coming. I throw myself into his horse from the side and we all crash into the ground.

"Run!" I yell at Haven, who had stopped, his eyes wider than the sun as he looks at me.

He takes off, straight for his mum, who was frantically looking for him.

I stand up as quickly as I can and race off, before the man on the ground wraps a lasso around my neck, having no time to feel guilt for his horse.

I run at the closest rider to me; this one being a female, and again throw my weight into her horse's side. They collapse on the ground and I regain my legs, running away, this time with a limp, hearing the protest of her horse.

Most of my herd is gone, safe in the protection of the forest. We've practiced this routine many times, which has paid off. Then I spot a mare, a rope around her neck, the end wrapped tightly around the horn of a saddle. She tugs against the rope, trying desperately to free herself.

As I run up to her, the rider on the other horse spots me and gets another rope ready. Speeding up and trying to dodge the rope, I fail as it slips over my neck and chokes me as it tightens. I rear up, being tugged back down again with force. I can't explain to you how uncomfortable the feeling is. To have this piece of rope fastened around your neck, restricting your breathing every time you pull away too hard.

I have to be smart about this; it's the only way to help the mare. Nice and easy, I walk up to the man, not wanting him to pull on the rope again. He watches me, holding the rope tight, ready for any sudden movements.

"Hey guys, look at this mare," he says quietly to a couple close riders, who look aggravated.

Probably by the lack of mustangs that they have caught. There's only this mare and me who are in the clearing as far as I can tell.

The man's grip slackens a little as he reaches out towards me with a gloved hand. I take this as an opportunity to bite down hard on his fingers, causing him to let go of my rope. He wails as he holds his fingers underneath the glove. I bite and tug at the rope around the horn as hard as I can. It slips free and the mare bolts towards the safety of the forest, calling out a thank you.

As I go to run off behind her, another rope is thrown around my neck. Oh no. I go to tug free, but another piece is looped around my head and slips onto my neck securely.

"It bit me!" the man yells to the others, who are gathering around me, keeping a fair distance still.

I scan the clearing and all the people on their broken horses. The horses keep their heads low, avoiding looking at me. Were they caught once too? Satisfied when I see no one else but us, I sigh in relief. I saved them. I saved the herd.

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