Chapter 4

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"This isn't what I expected when you told me we were going to get ice cream, Takuma-kun," I said.

"Honestly, Lady Shiro, what did you expect. It's the middle of the night. No ice cream parlour's open at this late hour, humans are asleep now.

"Gyah, I know... I just forgot..."

"Anyways, let's just enjoy this ice cream while we can, 'kay?"


*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・* 5 minutes later *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*

"I'm bored," I said.

"We could go back to our dorms?" Takuma suggested.

"And do what? That would be even more boring..." I sighed.

"We could read some manga?"

"Only if we do it in style," I said.

"What do you mean?" Takuma asked in confusion.

"In pillow forts, of course," I said. "But first, we must explore this town."

"There's not that much to explore here at night," Takuma said.

"Silly, at night, is when all the fun stuff happens, well, at least in detective manga. Not that I read many. Too boring to my liking. But the few detective manga I did manage to read without throwing them away out of boredom, taught me that going into an alley alone will provoke our target."

"Lady Shiro, this sounds like a bad plan."

"Which part of it, to me it sounds brilliant."

"The part where a young girl, you, goes into an alley all by herself at night."

"I'm 16 you know!"

"But you look like a 12-year-old," he managed to somehow say with a smile.

"That's not my fault! It's the fault of genetics! Anyways, I'm pretty sure that I can just freeze time when it gets too dangerous and walk away."

"Look, I simply don't want you to get hurt. You're so cute, you're the definition of a paedo-magnet."

"Really?" I asked him with big eyes.

"Really. On the other hand, I have a feeling that you're going to do this with or without me, so I guess I'll just tag along."

"Yay! Thank you, Ta-ku-chan!" A warm smile formed on his face. "Now charge forward my knight in shining armour, or do you want to be my loyal horse instead. Hurry up, though, the princess can't wait for forever ya know."

"Wait, what princess...gyah." I dragged Takuma along with me as I stormed towards the alley.

At first, nothing happened. We were just aimlessly walking through the cold alley, waiting for something to happen. I suddenly stopped dead in my tracks. Takuma, who was walking behind me, bumped into me and began apologising, but I told him to shut up.

"Takuma, how could we be so stupid! Of course, nothing will happen if you're still with me, we need to split up. That way we'd be easier to target."

"That doesn't really sound like a smart idea, Lady Shiro...," Takuma tried.

"No buts, we're doing this!"

Takuma sighed but gave up trying to talk me out of this. We split up, I went left, he went right and still pretty much nothing happened. I was almost starting to lose hope when I saw a shadow in the corner of my eye.

Aha, there you are!

I exclaimed a fake sigh and acted as if I totally wasn't on guard. Again I saw a shadow approaching in the corner of my eye. I looked over my shoulder, fully expecting the shadow to go and stand in front of me while I 'wasn't paying attention'. As if. I looked forward again and saw that I was right. In front of me was a tall man wearing black ninja clothes, which covered all of his body and unfortunately also his face. The ninja expected me to freak out, but instead I just stood there and we had this awkward staring competition going on. The ninja looked away for a split second, so I jumped in the air and loudly exclaimed: "I won!!!". The ninja stared at me again, his left eye was twitching.

"Gyah, can't stand losing, can you?" I said, attempting to strike up a conversation. My attempt was met with another awkward silence.

"So, er, why are you here?" I asked. Silence.

"It's very hard to strike up a conversation like this, y'know!"

The ninja let out a big sigh and rolled his eyes.

"Hey! Don't you roll your eyes at me!"

"If you keep annoying me like that, I guess I'll tell you. I'm supposed to kidnap Lady Tsukino, but you're obviously just a lookalike. I'll be on my way," the ninja finally answered.

"What did you say?!" I said quietly, but menacingly.

"That I got the wrong girl, I'll be on my way," the ninja repeated. This guy was angering me to no end. Not the real Lady Tsukino? Pft. I'll show you the real Lady Tsukino.

"Hell yeah, you got the wrong girl to mess with. How dare you insult me like that? You've got no manners! I'll show you the real Lady Tsukino," I said.

"Oh, so you'll lead me to her? You're surprisingly cooperative. Thanks, I appreciate that," the ninja replied.

Oh, now I've had it with you! You're a dead man. Dead meat. Like steak. Medium rare so the blood is still oozing out of the meat when you cut the meat. Gyah, you're getting hungry Shiro, snap out of it! Concentrate!

"You're a dead man now," I said in a calm but menacing tone. "Perhaps I'll have you for dinner." I slowly cornered the ninja. "I like my steak rare, so the blood's still oozing out when you cut it." Okay, that wasn't true, I did like the blood part, but I liked my steak medium rare, just needed some dramatic effect. "That could be you." In one swift motion I removed the fabric covering his face to reveal a guy with olive toned skin and piercing sharp deep brown eyes, so dark, that if it wasn't for my awesome vampire night vision, I would've mistaken them for being black. The expression on his face slowly changed into confusion as he took in my face from close up. His eyes stared into my sparkling pink eyes, tinged with a bit of red. My lips were put into a playful grin, matching the childish air I always brought with me. My long wavy hair shone silver in the moonlight, the breeze and my pureblood aura gave the impression that my hair was partly floating. I gave him a close-eyed smile and giggled, a sound as clear as multiple soft bells ringing. His confusion turned into fascination as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. In that short moment, it was as though I'd enchanted him. The moment was broken when his face contorted in pain and my beautiful porcelain skin was stained with red. I giggled again.

"Die," I whispered into his ear as the life was drained out of him. He buckled over and slowly fell to his knees, all the while coughing up blood. His expression changed from being shocked to understanding and he chuckled.

"You really... *cough* ...were... *cough* ...the wrong girl... *cough* ... to mess with..." He fell over, the last thing he saw was my face, still in a close-eyed smile. The last thing he heard was my giggle, clear as multiple soft bells ringing.

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