A sexy robot???/?/??//??111!!!! (Chapter 6) (part 1)

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            --- CCDoggy's POV ---

After Satan's son left it got boring. I turned on the TV, do you want to eat a bucket?? Well then you're an idiot! ;) I sighed, I wish they would stop putting labels on people. People who want to eat buckets are people too! I went into the guide and scrolled until I saw a channel called, MTT NETWORK, that seemed interesting enough! It showed a rectangle dancing around asking people questions. Suddenly I heard two voices in my head omg he's hot! And lol u wish lolololol! And     I     Unfused

          --- Third Person POV ---

"Ow!" CCCutie yelled. "omg," doggy said, "i cant beleev u thot he was hot!!" CCCutie looked mad, "He's not just hot," she yelled, "He's sexy!!!" But they were interrupted by the TV suddenly getting louder, they both turned their heads. "Ohh, yess~" the robot yelled. "lol whut is this!" doggy said laughing. The robot had gotten even sexier and now he wasn't a rectangle! "OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!" CCCutie yelled, "SO SEXYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!" doggy sighed, "pleez stawp," he didn't like this at all, "ur embarsing urself bby" but oh no, when a fangirl starts, it may never end.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 25, 2016 ⏰

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Look at the starsssss ;)))))Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ