"Time for some Geography!" He smiles as I roll my eyes. 

"Okay so what subject?" Geography was better than Maths at least. 

"Coasts." He hands me another text book. 


"Erm...... Mr Jones, can I have a word with Lexi please?" Ashton asks about 1pm. 

"I suppose, she has done good." He smiles. As if that's a compliment! I push my books to the side and follow Ashton into the kitchen. 

"What?" I fold my arms when I find Michael standing there.

"Look Lexi, Im sorry." He tries to apologise.

"What for?"

"For being a massive jerk about this Niall things. I promise I won't make a big fuss of it again."

"You promise?" I unfold my arms.

"I promise." He promises.

"And I have a plan!" Ashton cheered raising his arms.

"A plan for what?" A raise one eyebrow suspiciously.

"For Saturday, silly." Michal ruffles my hair. 

"And that is...........?" I wait for an answer.

"The premier is about 8pm at night. So you have most of the day with each other but if you want to do something special at night time. Like take a walk outside looking at the stars or something like that you, Lexi, will have to sneak away from the party through the back exit at aboout 11pm where moi will be waiting with a car. Then I will drive you back here where you will meet Michael and you can do what-ever you want to do." Ashton smies proudly. Happy with his idea. I must admit, it is pretty good. 

"If you really think that it will work than................ why not!" I shrug and get cheers in reply. 

"Yey, Lexi and Michael are going to go on a date for their six month anniversary!" Ashton sing and dances round the kitchen. 

Me and Michael just hold each other, enjoying being back in eachothers arms. 

"Sorry Lex." Michael whispers in my ear, nipping my ear lobe sending shivers down my spine.

"Stop apologising." I giggle.

"Love you." He leans in for a kiss.

"Love you too." I manage to squeeze in before his warm, soft lips are on mine. 

"Michael and Lexi sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G." Ashton sings over and over until we stop. 

Our Secret Love ~ Michael Clifford.Where stories live. Discover now