The One Where Everyone is Sad

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"Peggy wanted to get coffee from the gas station so we all were walking down and some douche swerved in the road and almost hit Peggy but Angelica pushed her out of the way and then she got hit. I told Peggy to call an ambulance and I immediately ran back to campus, calling Lafayette, Hercules and you." I could hear her about to cry, "I don't know how she is."

Hercules stopped in front of the ER entrance and Eliza clambered out and started running to the door. "Alex go with her," I said without thinking.

He didn't even question me, he just scrambled out of the backseat and ran after her.

Hercules found the first parking spot he could and we both ran into the waiting room to find Alexander, Lafayette, and Peggy sitting in the plastic chairs. Peggy was in hysterics and Alexander was just sitting there looking at the floor, not sure of what to do.

"Peggy!" I called to her and started running towards her.

She looked up and ran towards me too, crashing into me and hugging me, sobbing into my chest. She was almost Alexander's size. "They won't let me go see her!" she cried, her voice muffled by my shirt.

"Where's Eliza?" I asked, embracing the desperate girl.

"They took her to ask her questions and to fill out papers."

I led Peggy over to a chair and sat her down, kneeling down in front of her, "Peggy, I'm sure Angelica's fine. Really."

She shook her head and covered her face with her hands, "No, John, she looked really bad." She started crying again and I took her hands.

I sat on my knees for who knows how long, holding Peggy's hands. Alex hadn't moved since I had gotten there, Hercules took a seat across from Peggy and I and Lafayette went to get a soda from a vending machine he saw by the restrooms. Eliza had not come back and we were just waiting for a doctor or even Eliza to come out to give us something. Anything. 

"Here, mon amie, vous avez besoin de boire quelque chose." Lafayette said holding a bottle of water in one hand and a coke in the other.

I looked up at him and furrowed my eyebrows, "What?"

There was a moment of silence because none of us knew what he had said.

"He said she needs to drink something," Alex said.

I looked at him with wide eyes because he had not said anything since we got into the car over two hours ago. He still didn't look up from the floor. I took the bottle from Lafayette and opened the cap, "He's right Peggy, you have to drink something, you've been crying for like an hour."

She took the bottle and took a sip, staring at nothing. I got up and painfully made my way over to Alexander and sat in the chair next to him. "I didn't know you could speak French."


"Lets go get some coffee, yeah?"

He stood up and I followed suit, he followed me as I tried to find the cafeteria with no luck. We ended up just walking around the hospital.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

He just looked at the floor without responding.

"Okay, I know something is wrong, so," I paused, "what is it?"

He still didn't respond. I grabbed the bottom of his chin and forced him to look at me.

He looked awful. He had bags under his eyes and he was pale, well pale for a kid with darker skin. "Oh my gosh are you alright?"

He nodded, getting out of my grasp, "Tired,"

I almost laughed, "Alexander, you look like you're going to fall asleep standing up,"

The corners of his mouth drew up and then dropped again. He took a step toward me and leaned his head against my shoulder. "I think I might fall over," he said.

"Okay lets get you back to the campus for some sleep." I grabbed his hand and led him back (with some trouble) to the waiting room.

Hercules was the only one left in the waiting room when we got back. "Where is everyone?"i asked him.

"Peggy and Eliza are with Angelica, I drove Lafayette back to campus a little while ago." He said, "You two ready to head back?" he asked me.

"Yeah, Alexander is almost asleep,"

"Sleep is for the weak," he said.

Hercules and I laughed and I led Alex back to the car and Hercules drove us back as the sun was setting.

Getting Alex back up to the dorm was a lot more work than I had hoped, he was almost helpless and I gave up trying to keep him up and forced him to get on my back.

I opened the door to the dorm and carried Alex over to his bed and tried my best to put him down gently. Sighing, I started to move over to my bed when Alex grabbed my hand.

"Stay." was all he said and its all I needed to hear from him. I climbed under the blanket on his bed and let him curl up into my chest. He fell asleep almost instantly.

My Fake Fiancé is Problematic - A Hamilton FanfictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora