Wedding Day Omg

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Chapter 21.

So this chapter is about salena and Derek weeding so it has been 1 year since Derek and salena have been living togeather and purposed so this chapter is about there wedding I hope u like.

.......................In my bed.

as i wake up as i feel so excited and last night felt really werid because last night was the frist night i didn't sleep in the same bed at my best friend but i get to see him to day god i cant believe i am merry my boyfriend well i didn't think he would be my husband today wow time fly's and i cant believe it.

as i get up and out of my bed as i feel so anxious because of today but once i see Derek its like the world stops it feels like he is the only person in the room and god i love him. i cant believe it has been a year that Derek proposed to me it feels like it just happpend but it hasn't its been a year and omg i would go anther year of suspense with him i feel like with Derek i can breath and without him i cant when he tells me everything is going to be fine i believe him. god i love him and he is all mine.

i cant help but wonder what he is doing right know. i just miss him already and you can you can that were going to last just how strong our love is. i mean yea we still fight but its just like any normal couple would but our fights never last long and for that i am great full and i have to say that yea we fight but were only human. and that's why we last.

but when we fight its only because we don't agree on things i mean me and Derek don't have alot in common but for some things we do but you know what i don't care its life and i will go everyday with fighting and solving problems if it means i am marrying the man of my dreams.

he and me and Justin well were good but i still feel like he is hiding something from me and i am so curious to know but when he is ready to tell me i will be here for him.

i mean me and Justin are best friends oh yea this reminds me that i have to ask him if he wouldn't mind walking me down the alley i hope he is OK with it i mean its late notice but its because i always thought my dad would but i never had parents so i hope he will say yes if not ill walk by myself.

as i crawl out of bed and grab my towel and my face cream and my shorts and crop top so i am dressed and ready lol i seriously cant believe i am getting marred today in 3 hours wow . OK as i walk in the shower i hear alot of noises coming from down staires but i don't have time to check it out. before i get in the shower i plug in my curling iron and straghtner so i can do my hair for my weeding. i was thinking to straghting my hair and then curl my hair gently and pin my sides up with my new clip it has light blue flowers on it then i have to hair spry my hair a little so it stays in.

as i get in the shower and i washing up i put my as i wash my hair with my new strawberry and banana shampoo as i get out of my shower and change in to my clothes and i run down staires to see jasmine and Catherine and raven and Ansel he is actuallye isnt a bad guy he has been with my cousion for 3 years know never once cheated on her and i like him and it looks like she likes him i am just waiting for them to get marred mm who knows.

"hey bride to be how you sleep"as raven hugs me

as i walk in the kitchen and get a tea and break fest i see that the kettle is hot and i see eggs are done and toast and bacon mmm yum.

As i sit down and eat god i am really excited to see Derek i miss him already. as i sit down and eat breakfast ever one comes in the kitchen. jeeezzz

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