Chapter Five: Training and School

Start from the beginning

“He is!” Harry insisted, almost sitting up. “He can barely land a hit, even when I’m distracted!”

“At least he’s willing to hit you.” Zayn pointed out. “Liam’s always afraid he’s going to hurt me or something.”

“Uh. He could.” Harry pointed out. He’d seen the two play fighting one time, and Liam did seem to get the upper hand a couple times (not for long though), and he was a much bigger wolf. “Louis couldn’t hurt me if he tried, which he isn’t.”

“Try pissing him off.” Zayn suggested, then smirked. “Shouldn’t be too hard to do.”

Harry bumped shoulders with him with enough strength that would hurt a human. “Shut up. No one can hate me for long.”

Zayn tilted his head. “I wouldn’t be so sure on that one. Louis seems hellbent on it.”

“He’s a challenge, is all.” Harry said, but it seemed more to convince himself than Zayn.


Finally, it was the day school started. And, the same as last year, Zayn and Harry were almost late.

“Hurry up Zayn!” Harry yelled up the stairs. He was already ready, it was Zayn and his stupid quiff that made them almost late everyday.

“I’m coming!” Zayn said, coming down the stairs not three seconds later. “You got-”

“Your coffee? In the car.” Zayn had a car, which is why Harry was almost late. Every. Day. He’d ditch Zayn, oh how he would, but then he’d have to walk to the school, which was actually rather far. It was in the small town, and they lived in the forest that surrounded the entire town, but their estate was on the outskirts of town, making it a 10 minute drive to the school, and a 15 minute drive to the main street.

“Thanks mate.” Zayn said, going out the front door and sliding into the black car, and driving off (at some ridiculous speed) to the school. Zayn’s driving was the only way that they could actually make in time to school.

The car screeched into the parking lot, and Zayn quickly found their spot, and Harry was out of the car before it could stop. “Meet you back here after school, talk to you at lunch!” He called, running into the school at a human pace.

“See you then!” Zayn called back.

The two barely ever had classes together, Harry being a year younger (Zayn was turning 18 in Janurary, Harry 17 in Feburary). He did fast track in two subjects, though, English and Chemistry. Though he only had Chem with Zayn, and that was the period after lunch.

Harry ran into his first class, Math, just before the bell rang. He counted that as a victory.


Classes seemed to take forever, until it was lunch. Harry walked to the cafeteria, saying hi to a few of his friends (and a few pack members) on his way. He wasn’t unpopular, to say. Actually, quite the opposite. Harry and Zayn were probably the two most popular guys at the school. Harry with his good looks, and sort of ‘bad boy’ vibe (so he slept around. Who cared?) and Zayn with his ‘mysterious artist’ thing going on. Plus, they both brought wins to the school’s sports teams (track for Zayn, American football for Harry). Harry scanned the school lunch room, looking for Zayn in their usual table, finding just the other popular kids there. Eyebrows furling, he continued looking, until he saw Zayn, Liam and Louis sitting at a table in the back. Zayn was sitting beside Liam, back to the door, and seemed to be comforting him.

Probably the new scents are bothering him… Harry thought to himself. He had managed to block out most scents (the caf was always the third worst when it came to smells, but nothing compared to the gym or boys locker room.), but he could understand how Liam, a newly turned, would be bothered.

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