:Part Three: Chapter Twenty-Three

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Morgan rolled his eyes, turning away to stare back at me. "Don't worry about Liam there," he said. "He's just jealous now and then."

Liam rolled his eyes. "Morgan here's started being more lovey-dovey," another boy said, blue eyes more welcoming than the other. "Shane," he said, waving. I waved back.

A mocking smile flitted onto my lips as the words settled in my mind and the snickers passed around his group. "Careful Morgan, I see a lick of love for a certain lady."

His cheeks took on more colour than could be considered from the cold. A moment of triumph arose in me, coupled with curiosity, but just as I went to point it out, Morgan threw his head back and laughed.

I grinned. "It's not going to derail my quest, Morgan," I said. He grinned at me. Mischief twinkled in his eyes, sending alarm down my spine. Suddenly he got onto his knees, grabbing my hand to his cheek. I felt my eyes widen in surprise.

Any attempts to tug my hand away were thwarted, and I glanced around me with trepidation. Some people were watching. "Morgan," I said warningly. Muriel bit back a grin as I glared at him.

"Hush, my love," he said. "Let us leave mindless words and act of irrational passions. We are in love; it takes a glance to see that."

I shook my head even as bubbles of laughter started racking my body. "Stop that," I laughed, but Morgan stood up, faking enthusiasm as he made wild gestures.

"You doubt us," he said. "I will prove to you that you are in love with me, my darling. Come, we must kiss before this spell of doubt clamps your–"

Morgan pulled me towards him, hands falling to the bottom of my back. He was going to kiss me, puckered up and ready to deliver it. Laughing, I pushed at him. Thankfully he let go, laughing just as much.

"Finally," Morgan said.

Clutching my stomach, I glanced up him. His words struck a chord in my mind and curiosity flared. "What?" I asked.

Morgan shrugged, seeming the image of innocence. My gaze narrowed in on his expression, picking up a sudden closing of information. "With the Elliot thing and–"

I shook my head and Morgan pulled his lips into a firm line, shutting off. His smile was patient and it made me uncomfortable. "Moving on," I said. One side of Morgan's lips quirked into an amused smile before turning into a full blown grin that said the moment was done.

"Moving on," he repeated. But then he snapped his fingers. "We're having a bonfire tomorrow, if you can get–"

"Hell no!" groans and disapprovals rose from the group. I giggled at the annoyed look Morgan threw at his friends.

"Shut up," he said. He was shaking his head as he turned back to me. "Join us."

The immediate answer roared into my mind. A bonfire was a dangerous place. Grandmother's lecture just two days ago had been on security detail and how the occasions I attend should give for better escape routes and simple, easy to blend details. It was obvious a bonfire was not the way to go, especially if there was going to be unknown males, most of which I didn't know of.

"See, Lady Not-Worth-Her-Time doesn't want to attend," Liam said. I felt my brows furrow as I realised he was mocking me. "What's the matter; not a ball full of princes?"

Anger surged through me. I'd been getting these startled expressions as I'd progressed with simple activities, everyone wondering why on earth I was ordering smoothies or actually making a line. It shouldn't have bothered me to have it thrown exactly to my face.

Instead of acting on the surprising urge of anger, I smiled patiently. Morgan shook his head. "When you decide, call me," he said. "Come and meet my woman."

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