
"For me it's definitely both, but mostly hell. Why? Because I'm mega introverted. If your familiar with all of the Jungian stuff, I'm an INFJ, which is the rarest personality type there is. So, I'm the sad minority... So, while at school, I often feel as though I don't really fit in. I feel like everyone's different from me, because, well, pretty much everyone is. So, most of my time is generally spent listening to music on what eventually became dubbed as 'Janaki's pole' to get away from having to act like someone else to properly interact with people I don't really like.

But, don't get me wrong! I, in no way, dislike school. I'm smart, so I have no trouble with the schoolwork, and I do have some school friends. Very few... I just quite often feel lonely and left out at school. I had like, one friend, and I was often considered 'popular' rather than a loser, because while I didn't spend much time interacting, when I did, it was with the more 'popular' people. And I wasn't disliked either. No one hated me, I wasn't bullied, I didn't bully other people, I wasn't gossiped about and stuff at all. So, while school for me was uneventful and lonely, it wasn't really hell, nor was it really a haven.

But, in my school, there definitely was inequality in places. It was an international school, and so, there was actually quite a lot of racism going round (it didn't effect me, but I saw it) and, since it was in a muslim society, arabs tended to stick together, while the white or western type people all stuck together. But that wasn't really inequality, more like segregation.

I hope this helped! ;)"


"@TheHeroComplex High school can sometimes be considerd hell, but to tell the truth it depends on the kind of school it is ad mainly i America you get the kids who are high up in the popularity chain and those who are really low in the popularity chain, so there is a form of bulying especially to the kids in the low ranks. But in my country - South Africa- we do not have bullying everybody is equal and everybody knows everybody. So the whole 'High school is hell' thing really depends on how the person sees school as, for me school is fun as @kaykay1307 has said i see most of my friends there that i would never see while at home. I mean yeah we have the popular kids - you know the 'rich kids'- but we see them as equal to us -the 'average' ones.

So my conclusion on your question is that it depends on how you see everything, because how you see high school is only in your opinion -how you are being treated i.e. whether you are being bullied because of how you look or maybe you are treated as the 'queen b'-; you cant describe how the other person sees school as.

I really hope what i've said has anawered a little bit of your question. :)

Oh! For me High school is the best! A lot of really wonderful memories there :D"


"For me, high school was only fun if I enjoyed the lesson, the teacher wasn't a complete arsehole and I sat with my friends. For me, High school was always a bit of both, I will never forget the people that I got close to and some of the memories and of course the laughs. But some things I'd rather forget. Everyone has a different opinion on high school. Some prefer it independent and others, like me, like group discussions. I've always hated being independent:) Hope my opinion helped:)"


" The experience of equality in high schools always varies depending on the school and the area it is situated in. There is no proper answer to the question: is high school, a haven or hell? Some people may be subject to inequality but that doesn't always mean that high school is hell for them. It would be difficult to say whether it a haven or hell as most people currently in high school would say it was hell, however when looking back on it after a few years they may view it as a haven as life was much simpler then. Equality is what makes or breaks a person's experience of high school. There are many cases of inequality on different scales in every high school and this is what breaks or makes a person stronger. It's an experience which can't be avoided but the way it can be dealt with all depends on that particular person. Personally I would say that, despite experiencing inequality in high school, it was a haven for me. It gives you some sort of structure to your life and allows you to meet up with friends on a daily basis. The inequality I faced only made me stronger and if anything more valued. As a student I was more prone to 'bullying' as I was a different religion and colour to most people in the school. After a few small racist comments in my first year, I began working hard and by the end of high school many people knew me for my great grades. Compared to some people out there, I think I only experienced a little inequality. There's no solution to it, it's just a part of life. In order to fix it, you'd have to change the way people think and that's impossible in most cases. You have to learn to put it behind you or stand up and face the issue, at some point down the line the people who created inequality will realise their mistake after having their own experience. Life isn't complete without injustice and high school isn't complete without inequalities.

Hope this helps you."


"I like high school for a few reasons

1. it gets me into daily routine and gets my ass out of bed

2. i get to see my friends and make new ones

3. some of the most fun you'll have are in clubs/extra-curriculars"


"First of all, where I go to school (which is rural America) there is a definite lack of diversity. The main population of my school is caucasian, religious and heterosexual. If we had more races, religions, etc., there might be more discussions (and arguments) over what is fair/equal.

The worst experience I've personally has deals with my sexuality I guess?? Despite being straight, people have assumed I'm gay in the past? So yeah that was a thing for a while in middle school -though now in high school it hasn't been as bad. And how can you fix that? Well, by not making assumptions first of all. Secondly, don't be an asshole.

Also, there have been sexist remarks thrown around, which are extremely annoying, but I can't recall any directed at me personally. This one is an easy fix with only *one* step! Don't be an asshole!! uwu

But as far as equality goes, I would say my school falls somewhere in between a hell and a haven? Obviously it isn't going to be perfect, but I guess it could be worse."


" School can be both good and bad, according to the person's attitude and hopes."


"Both!, but mostly heaven cause I seriously had the best time of my life with my friends at high school! :)"


All in all, high school is tough. But I believe we're tough enough to get through it, so keep fighting guys!

Weekly Question Mag 25 August 2013Where stories live. Discover now