The New Bunny Cop

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Judy woke up in the hospital the next morning and was delighted that she'd be able to check on Nick.

He saved my life...what a hero

Judy felt a feeling a warmth all over her body that made her blush and smile in a silly way. Nick had saved her, he was full-on ready to fight a huge wolf to save her.

She saw Nurse Hilda appear and a idea popped into her head.

"Hey, Nurse Hilda? Could I go outside the hospital for a minute? I wanted to get something for Nick." Judy asked.

"Of course, just let me go with to make sure you make it through the hospital okay." Nurse Hilda replied.

Nurse Hilda escorted Judy to the garden right outside the hospital and with her permission, Judy plucked some of the roses off the bushes.

"Oh, hello Officer Judy. I didn't realize you were already being let out the hospital."

Judy looked up and saw Chief Bogo, and to her curiosity, a thickset dark brown bunny in a police uniform with lop ears and ocean blue eyes.

"We were coming to visit the two of you, we've gotten a new recruit. Another bunny in fact." Chief Bogo explained, gesturing to the buck next to him. "Meet Officer Harvey."

"Hello!" Officer Harvey's eyes lit up as he eagerly shook Judy's paw. "You're an amazing officer I must say! You inspired me to follow my dream! I wanted to be an officer, but I figured I'd always be a pudgy rabbit so I worked for the library-"

"Slow down, furball." Chief Bogo snapped. "You'll be running your mouth for hours at that pace, you'll be able to interact with Judy more as her temporary partner."


"That's what I came to the hospital to tell you." Chief Bogo told Judy. "Nick will need more time to recover, and we need someone to train the new recruit. So this should solve both problems."

"Yikes! You dropped your roses, Officer Judy!" Harvey caught all of them in one paw and handed them to her. "Don't want to get such perfect flowers dirty."

Judy was surprised at his intense gaze and suspected his statement was more than literal.

"I suppose you could tell Nick as well about your temporary partner." Chief Bogo suggested.

"Oh! Of course!" Judy snapped back into paying attention and held onto her roses close. "It was nice to meet you Harvey."

Harvey beamed at her and she turned around and walked back into the hospital where Nurse Hilda lead her to her injured partner.

His eyes were lazy and he looked like he was going to fall asleep till he saw Judy and his eyes widened as he saw the hospital gown looked beautiful on her as she held a few roses in her paws. To him she looked like a bride to get married.

Even in hospital attire she looks amazing, I would love to be with her...

"Dumb fox." Judy snickered, hugging him. "What were you thinking leaping at that wolf?"

"I was thinking that he could've really hurt you Carrots." Nick replied more seriously. "The ZPD better have a strong police officer to keep you safe on your missions while I'm in here."

"About that..." Judy pondered. "We have a new bunny recruit that will be my temporary partner."

"Really?" Nick asked curiously as he took the roses that Judy gave to him. "Who is she?"

"He. And he's a dark brown thick bunny, his name is Harvey." Judy explained.

Nick's ears flattened and his heart dropped.

A male bunny, who could be a more perfect candidate for Judy's love? No, I love her! This is already my worst nightmare!

"Nick? Are you okay? You're clawing the blanket." Judy whispered.

"I just have an itch somewhere." Nick lied, trying his hardest to keep his anger at bay. "I'll have to meet this Harvey sometime. Sounds like a cool guy."

"Yeah, he's definitely a big fan of me. He said he was inspired by me, isn't that awesome?" Judy smiled excitedly. "Animals are looking up to me! It's more than I could ever ask for Nick..."

Judy looked at Nick with happiness, and he smiled.

"You look beautiful."

"I do?" Judy asked. Nick felt extremely embarrassed when he realized he had said that out loud.

"Um, yeah. Course." Nick chuckled, trying to play it off. "Um, when are they letting you out of the hospital?"

"In two days." Judy replied eagerly. "And by the end of the week, I'll be able to perform my duties as officer again!"

"That's great, Cottontail." Nick's eyes softened.

There's nobody I would want more as my mate, and maybe even mother of our kits...

Nick was surprised at the deep thoughts he had of her, like that they could spend the rest of their lives together, united in partnership and love.

I have to get out of this hospital soon, I can't lose her to that recruit...

"Judy, we'll need to do some regular tests to make sure that you're recovering well in a minute." Nurse Hilda told her. "And the same for you Nick Wilde."

"C'mere Carrots." Nick whispered softly.

Judy lifted on her toes and hugged Nick once more before following the Nurse.


Several days later

Nick was bored in his hospital bed, whilst Judy was back in her officer duties. He asked her to text him when she could.

He looked at social media when he had nothing else to do, and on Pawbook, he saw Judy Hopps tagged in posts made by Harvey Wildflower:

First day of the job with Judy Hopps! Couldn't of had a more awesome time with my amazing friend!

Me and some of the officers went out to dinner, it was amazing to see Judy chug down that many Wheat Floats!

Nick saw a picture of the officers excitedly banging their fists on the table as Judy was chugging a Wheat Float, Clawhouser was seen video taping it. And a dark brown bunny that seemed to be none other than Harvey was sitting right next to her.

The worst part was his blue eyes were looking at her like she was the most majestic thing he ever laid eyes on.

No, please don't let me lose her!

Nick snarled in frustration, he wanted to punch him for looking at her like that.

Suddenly his phone vibrated, he looked and saw it was Judy.

Judy: Hey Nick! Sorry, I've been so busy studying a case with Harvey and going out to eat. How've you been?

Nick's anger subsided a little, it wasn't Judy's fault that she was too beautiful for an animal to keep his eyes off her.

Nick: It's been very boring. At least I'm making progress, I hope to get out the beginning of next week.

Judy: That's great! I've missed your funny remarks and little smirks, maybe we could go out and enjoy the city a little when you're ready to leave?

Nick: I would love that.

Nick brightened, maybe he wouldn't lose her after all.

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