The Wolfgang

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"Nick, Judy. I have a tough mission for you two."

Nick's ears perked up, he had only been police officer for a few months and already a tough mission was in store for him?

Meanwhile, Judy looked like she was going to burst out of her seat. Nick gave a soft smirk, it always made him happy to see his bunny partner so enthusiastic about their job.

"Don't launch out of your seat yet Officer Judy." Chief Bogo told her. "There has been a wolf pack that used to be in the outskirts of Zootopia. But recently, we've seen members of them robbing young prey animals."

"It appears that all members we've sighted have a black star on their muzzles." Chief Bogo added. "Here on this folder are some spots outside of Zootopia that we believe may be home to these black-starred wolves. Apprehend as many as you two can and report your findings."

"Yes sir!" Judy replied, taking the folder. "C'mon Nick! These wolves aren't going to catch themselves!"

Nick smiled and was ready to follow Judy running out the room when Chief Bogo gave Nick his own smirk.

"Ah shut up." Nick laughed nervously.

He knows, I wouldn't be surprised if the whole ZPD knew. Except Judy, or she definitely would've confronted me about it.

Nick averted Bogo's gaze and quickly followed Judy's trail. He noticed Clawhouser looking at him and Judy like they were the most adorable pair in Zootopia.

So glad Judy hasn't caught onto that, but if I don't say anything soon, they might tell her themselves.

He finally met up with Judy at the police car where she was in the driver's seat throughly looking through the files.

"So Carrots-"

"We should probably head to the small alley down the block from Sloth's first!" Judy gave a huge smile. This after all, was their first dangerous mission assigned by Chief Bogo.

Nick was very confused on why the Chief put his faith in a fox and a rabbit, even though they've accomplished so much. He was worried that none of this could be occurring to his bunny friend, as she was too excited.

"Yeah, are you worried at all?" Nick asked.

"Being an officer is usually a dangerous job, I'm just surprised we haven't got to do this sooner." Judy replied.

Nick nodded shyly and Judy started the car.

"You've been doing great as my partner Nick, try not to be nervous." Judy patted his knee and started driving.

Nick felt a little better, he had started to notice how encouraging and sweet Judy could really be, it helped him do his best when he knew someone believed in him.

That changed quickly when his heart sunk as Judy drove to the dark outskirts of Zootopia. She drove the car slower as she saw homeless animals in the alleys. She stopped when the alleys were appearing empty.

"There's nobody here." Nick whispered.

He jumped and held Judy as he heard loud howls.

"Nick, it's OK. Look at me." Judy reassured him. Looking into her purple eyes reminded him why he loved her so much.

"Thank you Carrots." Nick smiled.

The howling got louder and they both flinched at the sound of loud paws.

Judy turned off the car and grabbed her taser, exiting the car.

"Carrots! What're you doing?!" Nick gasped, snapping out of his trance.

He opened the door and his heart dropped as he saw several big wolves surrounding them, all with black stars on their muzzles.

"What's a stupid bunny and a scrawny fox doing here?!" A huge brown wolf snarled.

"We should give them a lesson or two." Another growled, he had a sharp knife in his paw and leaped at Judy.

Judy tased him and Nick tased the brown wolf talking earlier. Many wolves ran off realizing they were officers.

Nick put the two paralyzed wolves in handcuffs and and put them in the back seats.

"What, are you two doing with my pack members?"

Judy, who was still outside of the car, froze when she saw a big black wolf with a white star on his muzzle.


"Leader? Yes I am, pipsqueak." The Alpha wolf laughed evilly. "You'll look much better as diced meat!"

The Alpha bolted towards Judy, she lifted the taser but the wolf smacked it across the alley out of reach and clawed Judy's uniform.


Nick dropped his taser and slammed himself headfirst into the Alpha's chest. Anger overwhelmed him as he sank his teeth into the wolf's shoulder.

Judy was shocked and picked up Nick's taser, Nick jumped off in time and Judy tased the leader wolf. He fell and Judy began dragging him into the trunk.

"Cottontail? All you alright?" Nick panicked as he ran to his partner.

"Yeah, it's just a scratch-NICK!" Judy gasped. "Your back!"

Judy ran behind him and Nick winced as he felt a burning feeling.

"You have a long slash down your back!" Judy told him.

Nick felt bruised from the force of attacking the wolf as well, and finally realizing how beaten up he felt, he collapsed. The last thing he heard was Judy screaming out to him


Nick woke up in the hospital, he saw a pinto mare in a Nurse's uniform walk up to him.

"Hello, I'm Nurse Hilda." The mare greeted him gently. "Officer Nick Wilde, yes?"

"Yeah." Nick muttered. "Where's Judy? Is she OK?"

"She's faring much better as she's only had a small slash on her chest." Nurse Hilda explained. "You'll have to spend a week or two here till we can give you the OK to leave."

"Thanks, when can I see her?" Nick asked.

"Tomorrow morning should be free to let her visit. She's still recovering, but she should be ready to leave before the week's over." Nurse Hilda smiled. "I'll let her know that you've woken up."

Nurse Hilda checked his IVs and wrote some things some down on a clipboard before leaving.

Nick sighed, he hardly knew why he straight-up attacked the Alpha instead of tase him. All he knew was that he saw him hurt his Carrots, and he lost it.

I love her so much, oh my god...I could've lost her that day...

Then Nick realized.

This is a dangerous job, either of us could get killed without warning. I have to tell Judy how I feel soon, or it may be too late...

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