I'm so sorry ur a hoe

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Katrina's P.O.V.

The show went great...We sang our hearts out and honestly it was one of the best shows we ever had.We were just chilling in the dressing room, talking about random stuff when I suddenly rememberred...

"Guys I think I should check Twiter"I said

"Oh shoot right"You could here Caroline stuffing her face with food...That's Caroline for you

I went through all the possibilities of what will happen if i do open twitter, I mean it was an extemely big risk to leak Calum's nudes, but it was worth it.

I turn on my phone with shaky hands and go to twitter app.

"Shit guys" I whispered

"What?What is it"Delilah freaked

"Your mum"Caroline leaned into Dels ear and whispered

"OH MY FUCK YOU CAN'T JUST DO THAT"Belle shouted plopping on the couch right next to me

"Guys shut up" I turned my phone for them to read most recent Calum tweets

Right after I posted the picture he tweeted back at me saying ' @Kat5MTM Least ya know what it looks like now'

Few minutes after that he tweeted 'I'm still just a teenage kid learning from mistakes :)'

"That fucker" Del muttered

"He legitemately knows how to make everything he does look perfectly fine" I thought out loud

"True that..."

"what do we do now?"

"We can always quit the band and become homeless" I joked

"I'm not talking about that and you know it" Caroline huffed

Right at that moment Skylar marched into the room. She was fuming, I swear you could see the steam coming out of her ears, we all knew what this was about...

"Girls..." Okay, shit this is not ending well

Right then her expression changed into a proud one and she held her hand up for us to give her high5

"Kat that was freaking brilliant, leaking his nudes gained you shit tons of new followers and for the band, well...You're having an interwiev with Ryan Seacrest tomorrow, congrats"

Then she just casually exited the room and left us all with our jaws on the floor

"Did she just"

"I think she did"

"Holy shit guys"

My phone dinged indicating that I got a new snapchat. might as well check it now

I typed in my passcode and went straight to snapchat.

"What is wrong with him" I wondered as I opened a chat with Calum because apparently he sent me a message it said 'like what you see ;)'

Oh hell no

The Battle Of The Bands | Calum HoodNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ