Chapter 1~

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Erens POV

"Come on Eren please." My therapist and best friend said through the phone, "why hanji??" I asked, praying she'd let me stay home and sleep, "Because you love me" I groaned audibly and frowned at nothing. "Hanji, I was up all night. Just let me sleep all day, please" I begged, needing sleep. "Nope, come on it will be good for you." I sighed in defeat, she never gives up, I'll give her that. "Okay, Okay I'm coming whatever!" she chuckled, she was annoying yet cute. "Bye my little titan" Urgh, I need sleep! I mentally slapped myself, this is your own fault for staying up all night watching love stage!! I mentally scolded myself, I can't help it. My yaoi self was calling to me, I wanted to watch a cute couple since I couldn't be in a relationship cause ya know gay, alone, No friends hehe.  I'm a dork basically.

"Come on Eren, ryouma and izumi would be so proud of you if you went outside." I whispered to myself. I stepped off of my bed, reaching over to my closet. I grabbed my panic! at the disco band tee, black skinny jeans and black vans, my usual look. I walked into my bathroom, lazily pulling my hand through my hair, attempting at least to tame it. I grabbed my tooth brush and quietly brushed my white teeth, in an attempt to make myself seem to care about my appearance, which i didn't. I removed my plain black pajama top, along with my blue, baggy pajama pants, giggling to myself because i wasn't wearing boxers, I never did to bed. I shrugged and turned on the shower, waiting for steam to cover the glass, signaling to me that the water was in fact hot enough. 

 After a minute of standing around, freezing my ass off the steam began to rise, i quickly stepped in to the shower, relishing in the warmth over taking me. "Perfect." I sighed in content. I stood in the water, letting it wet my hair, and transcend down my entire form, before reaching and picking up my coconut scented shampoo, rubbing it in to my scalp, sighing as I felt my hair begin to become clean, i washed it out quickly, closing my eyes to shield them. I then repeated this process once more before, bending my knees and grabbing the conditioner from the bottom of the 'tub' like basin. I then poured some of the also coconut scented conditioner in to my left hand, squeezing the bottle lightly, causing it to ooze out slowly. Once the entire palm of my hand was saturated i proceed to place it in my hair, messaging my scalp and pulling my hair lightly as to make sure each strand of hair was covered, avoiding my roots. 

After washing out the conditioner and silently washing my body with plain mint soap, i jumped out of the shower, quickly nabbing a blue towel to cover my lower half, I then picked up a fresh pair of black boxers and slid them carefully up my damp legs, after i had placed them on my hips, I removed the towel and rubbed my legs, drying them instantly. I then proceeded to rub my hair until it stopped dripping. Swiftly I placed my top on, after spraying myself with deodorant and after shave, I then quietly placed my skinny jeans and socks on my now dry lower half. I began to sing to myself, no reason for it but a song had popped in my head and me being me had to sing along. "What can I say? I fucked this up again, What can I do? I took it out on you, I run around and make, A mess of everything, I made a big mistake, And now I'm wondering, Would ya, Bail me out if I need it,oh oh oh oh, Help me down, Will you catch me when I fall, Another night I'm out here wasted, Another night you've gotta take my call Would ya, Bail me out, oh oh oh oh, Bail me out, oh oh oh oh,  Bail me out, Oh oh oh oh Say are you gonna take my call?" 

After my singing session in the bathroom, i quietly made my way out of the apartment, taking in my surrounding sighing as i noted a stray cat on the side of the road, Poor baby I think to myself briefly, before shaking my head and continuing my walk. 

~Time skip to Hanjis office. Brought to you by you dont need to know what outside looks like weaboo~

I saw a short man, about 7 inches shorter then me enter Hanjis office, sighing I waited until i felt my phone buzz against my tigh, causing my entire body to shudder. Damn reflexes, Quickly i pulled my phone out to see a text from Hanji waiting for me. 

HANJI THE CRAZY ~ Eren, come on in, I can see you waiting outside.

I sighed. Standing up, i made my way over to her office door, and i opened it in one swift motion, walking in i saw the short man from earlier, only this time i could properly appreciate him. He had raven black hair, styled in an undercut, he had pale skin, which was hidden by a plain black top and a pair of grey sweats hung loosely around his waist, he was wearing a pair of loosely tied black converse. He had small, dainty lips which were shaded light pink and his eyes were grey, not dull grey. A shiny grey, almost like silver. I cleared my throught and spoek first, trying to figure out why my anime and sleep filled day was inturupted. "Hanji. Why am i here?" I asked, smiling brightly as she grinned, almost crazily at the boy standing next to me. "I need your help." She stated confidently, I felt my body shake, last time she had requested my help i was thrown out of plane god knows how high of the ground screaming for my life. "How can i help?" I asked smiling sheepishly. She smirked before pointing at the male next to me. "Thats where shorty comes in." She proudly stated, wearing her usual shit eating grin. "Shitty glasses, what the hell can this brat do to help me?" He asked grumpily, glaring at her. 

Hanji sighed slighty. "Because shorty." Hanji started but stopped and turned to me questioningly. "Eren, can i tell him? About your past?" I shuddered but nodded my hair lightly. 

~Time skip brought to you by you read all this last chapter.~

After Levi finished telling my his story, i was on the verge of tears. "Levi, im sorry. I had no idea." I said, putting my head down sighing sadly. "Eren, its okay. Not like you came into my house, raped my baby sister, then murdered her, my elder sister and then my elder brother, is it?" I shook my head. Hanji spoek up. "Eren, Levi." She spoke seriosuly, causing even levi to shudder. "Yes, Hanji?" I asked wearily. "I want you guys to talk, and before you get cocky, i mean actually talk. Be there for each other, Look out for one another. Neither of you have anyone else. I want you to help each other so, Levi you will be moving into Erens apartment with him as of tomorrow, and this isnt a request it is a statement from a medical professional, who is trying to improve their patients health." Hanji said, nodded her head as if to add to the point. 

I stood there, kinda unable to speak. "Hanji, have you finally gone insane?" Levi asked, his eyebrows twitching in clear rage. I heard Hanji gulp before nodding. "Hanji why?" I asked, my brows furrowed. She chuckled slightly and turned to me. "Because you need each other."

~Because we need each other, huh?~

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