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*This chapter is dedicated to @asma_noora for commenting on the last chapter asking when I was going to update, and it gave me motivation to write :D

Melody's POV

"Best friends, you are my fucking best friends. Yo honestly, this is the best night ever. And this song, I'm really feeling this song. Yo honestly, this is the best night ever."

My phone alarm blared through my room. I love the Janoskians, and this song always makes me smile, so I thought it was the perfect idea for my alarm.

I got up out of bed, and saw that it was 7:01 am. I grabbed my dark was skinny jeans, and my forest green plain t-shirt, and my white sweater that I bought for when I worked there. I only needed dark wash jeans/shorts, a forest green t-shirt, a white zip up sweater, and we were allowed to wear whatever shoes we wanted. I get cold easily, and she always has the AC on in her ice cream parlor, so I just use my jeans.

I walked down the hall to the bathroom that we share, since we didn't want to change houses, because this house fits us perfectly. Plus, this house holds so many memories, there is no way we could ever leave.


After my shower, I dried my hair, leaving it down, in it's natural wavy/straight look. I grabbed my dirty clothes and brought them to my room, so I could put them in my laundry hamper. I walked down the hall, to Niall's room, and knocked on his door. No answer. I turned the cool doorknob, and pushed open the unlocked door.

"Niall?" I called out softly, not wanting to wake up mum if she's still asleep, but even if she is, I still want to be quite.

"Umph..." Niall mumbled, still asleep. I climbed on his bed, and sat on his stomach.

"I'm up..." His sleep filled voice mumbled.

"Yeah right, cause if you were up, I wouldn't be sitting on your stomach not would I?" I asked.

"What time is it?" He asked, his morning voice still lingering.

"7:30 am, no get up and go shower you little leprechaun!" I said through giggles.

"7:30!?! Why the hell did you wake me up that early!" Niall complained, now awake.

"Because you lug-head, we have to be at Annie's shop in half an hour, now go get ready!"

"Alright, but get off my first" Niall said laughing.

"Okay big bro!" I said happily while jumping off him, and his bed, then running down the hall towards my room. About two minutes later I could hear him starting his shower. I was already dressed, and my hair was done, so I decided to do my make-up lightly. I put some eye liner on where my top lashes meet my eye lid, and one coat of mascara. Then I grabbed my sweet mint eos lip balm, and put that on. Done! I slipped on my low-rise white All-Stars, and grabbed my laptop so I could write on wattpad, and go on tumblr till Niall was ready to go.


"We have to go pick up Jack and Clover, Niall." I informed NiNi once we got in the car. It took Niall 20 minutes to get ready, and now we had ten minutes to go pick up Jack and Clover, and get to the shop. Niall was having problems with his hair, so he let me do it like he used to before he signed up for X-Factor. Sometimes he would have a bad hair day, and he would ask for my help.

All I did was brush out his hair, and ruffle it up with my hands. He has tried to do that, but he couldn't get it right... All you have to do is ruffle up your hair, and it's done. So it was funny when NiNi couldn't get it to turn out right.

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