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I'm Jackie and this is the prologue to "It Happens".


I'm heading home from work with some friends. After this I'm going to finish writing some stuff. I write because I like to talk so much; I need other ways to let it all out. My mind isn't always cluttered though. I can let my mind go blank and stare at nothing. I do it a lot when no one's talking to me. It's not boring. It's fun, somehow. Even though my minds not cluttered when I think of something important I have to let it out.

My friends and I are just telling each other stupid jokes, past experiences, and jumping around. We're an over excited group but I never get annoyed with them. They help me think the way I want. I believe that my body and mind want to think about things my personality doesn't care about. I like my personality but it's what makes me, me so I guess that stupid thought didn't really matter but like I said I write what I think even if it might not make sense.

Susan asks me to carry her on my back but don't feel like being weighed down. It's not like she's big or anything but I usually carry her between classes so I don't drift away. She keeps me grounded. School makes me feel light and useless but that's probably because it's so easy and I'm forced to do it. I can't explain it but I will some other time if I think about it again.

Susan started to pout so I tell her I'll carry her. I squat a little because she's so short but I'm short for a boy too so I shouldn't say that. She almost jumps on my back when I run away laughing. I turn to stick my tongue out at her but see her on Kate's back. They're both laughing while Kate tries to catch up with me.

They're so bright and look all mature in pictures but they're so childish outside of a picture. That's why knowing people in 'real life' is different from knowing random people on social networks and stuff. A picture can say a thousand words but actions speak louder than words and looks can be deceiving. I wear baggy, dark, and plain clothes but I'm a happy person if I do say so myself and I do. I wear my clothes like that because it's comfy and for respect towards people who are dying everyday. I act the way I do because it's so much easier to be happy than sad or mad and every day is amazing. I'm a go-with-the-flow kind of guy. I don't try to hard but I don't give up when the going gets tough; I just find easier ways to fix things.

I jump off the sidewalk and run into the street knowing Kate doesn't like streets. When she crosses, she get's super scared. Even when she's in a cross walk, she'll run to the other side. When she's crossing a lot of the time she'll be sing " I'm not going to die today." Over and over until she's done crossing. Sometimes she pretends like she's just playing around by skipping while singing but we know she's terrified.

I'm still laughing as I turn to see what Kate's going to do.

The look on Susan's and Kate's face register before the sound of their screams and shouts. The light out of the corner of my eye registers before the sound of the engine or the screech of the wheels. The sight of the ground getting closer registers before the sound of the thud and the cracks that came from within. The sight of Kate and Susan running to me registered before the feeling of blood trickling or the pain.

I knew my mind was against my personality but I didn't know it was going to sacrifice my body for it! That didn't make sense.


This was inspired by a thought and the book called " Serenaded By Silence" by a fellow wattpadder KeltikFaith.

The chapter was a peek into the depths of Teddy's mind.

 *WARNING: There will be no internal battle thing. This chapter may suggest that his mind is separate from his nessness (what makes you, you) but it's just Teddy being how I put him and his thought not making sense, much like my writing. I hope I explained myself right.*

This book is for my own enjoyment. I'll post whenever.

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