Chapter 1

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I pop my head up over the bush to make sure there isn't any royal guards lurking around. If they see me, I'll be dead for sure. Good thing none is around. "The coast is clear Fang. Come on we better hurry." I say gesturing towards the overprotective wolf keeping watch from behind. Silently creeping over the bush we were hiding in, we swiftly crept over to the berry full shrub next to the giant oak.
   Looking around very alert, I start picking the berries from the bush. Fang is still on high alert even though no one is there. Silly dog, always trying to keep me safe even though I don't need it. Having a good sense of smell and hearing does pay off. I can protect myself but Fang gets a little carried away.
   Fang started growling, smelling something but I wasn't. Very rare for that to happen. Still gathering what I needed, I nudged him with my foot.
    "Fang no one is there, keep quiet. We can't have the evil royal guards to spot us." I whispered
  I stood up and turned around finding that Scarlet, the Evil Queen's daughter, was standing right there in front of me. 'Ugh! Not her again!' She has always pestered me since I was little. All she cared about was her reputation and looks, nothing else. To make it worse, neither me or Fang can smell nor hear her coming. So that makes everything just dandy. Hint the sarcasm.
   Her beautiful black, wavy hair perfectly done sitting right above her shoulders. Royal garments draped across her, dark blues and purples. Just like her mother. Evil. Nothing more, nothing less. Scarlet's dark eyes stared upon me like a hawk and her prey as well as her inherited evil grin she always wore on her face.
   "Oh look, it's Kendall the peasant. Scrummaging for food I see. Poor, poor Kendall." Scarlet said with an evil grin and a mocking tone. Her royal guards, as always, standing behind her fidgeted, waiting to get their hands on me.
    "What do you want Scarlet? I don't want any trouble." I said clenching my fists. Fang narrowed his eyes ready to attack his prey. I signaled him to relax. It wasn't worth the fight. We both would be in big trouble if we laid a finger on Scarlet. Our hearts would be crushed with a snap of a finger.
   Scarlet smirked and walked circles around me. "Oh nothing. Just wandering around looking for woodland creatures to bother. And lookie here I found the perfect one." As fast as the sentence left her mouth, she shoved me against the tree. Wincing pain, the tree cut my right arm. I didn't resist the force. Fang on the other hand, almost attacked. He growls, barks, almost pounces on Scarlet but I stick my leg out to block.
   "Fang! No!" I yell.
   "Is your little mutt trying to save you?" She said in a  baby voice, let go of me and faced Fang. "Put a paw on me and you'll be skinned alive for fur coats." She giggled evilly.
   Anger dwelled up inside of me. As much as I want to rip her to shreds, I didn't. "Leave him alone, Scarlet! If you touch him.." I snarled and let my fangs show. Normally, I don't show them, I don't want to intimidate anyone because they're really scary. Stepping forward a little, the evil royal guards stepped closer.
  She stood and faced me again. Narrowing her eyes, she speaks up. "Don't push me dog girl. Do you want me to tell my mother that you attacked me?" She smirked. "We wouldn't want that to happen wouldn't we..?"
   I stepped back growling under my breath. 'She did not just pull the evil mom spell card on me' I think to myself.
   "See, this wouldn't have happened if your dad" She emphasised, "just did what my mom ordered. He should be dead for what he did and you will pay the price with him." Scarlet said and pushed me against the tree again. "I can make that happen."
  I almost pulled her head off but the next thing I knew she was on the ground. Somone pushed her...someone saved me and my dad from being killed....

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