Of course, that glare was only out of pure fear. They both knew that, like previous timelines, Undyne would grab Monster Kid and walk away.

Undyne raised her hand, then reached down, grabbing the back of Chara's collar. "fRISK" Chara yelled as Undyne raised them up, locking eyes with them.

Undyne brandished a spear, pointing it towards Chara. Undyne raised the spear, then thrusted it for-

"PUT THEM DOWN!" Frisk yelled, pointing their knife at Undyne. Undyne's glare transitioned to Frisk. "P-Please..." Undyne glared at Frisk, then dropped Chara. She backed away, then turned and walked off.

"F-Frisk..." Chara gasped, trying to catch their breath. "Y-You..."

Frisk dropped the knife. "Take it and get up. I can't handle doing that again." Then they turned and walked away, not waiting for Chara to stand.

Chara glared at the knife. Frisk just granted them the ability to kill. To destroy all monsters and erase this world. To ruin their pacifist run.

Chara stood and kicked the knife away, then ran after Frisk. "YO!" They heard a voice yell, "Undyne just...TOUCHED you! If I were you, I would never wash that sweater again! Man, I'm so unlucky, if I was just standing a LITTLE to the right...! C'mon! Let's go watch her beat up more bad guys!"

Monster Kid rushed past them, tripped, then continued to rush to the other room. No sign of Frisk.

"F-Frisk?" Chara called, walking to the next room. "Goddammit... We should really be getting home..."


"I mean, I've never done something like that for someone before..." Frisk vented, "I know I like Chara... But do I like them... like that?"

"tEM thnks tht hooman rly caer aboot ohtr an shuld smooch othr homun" Tem Shop Temmie answered.

"S-Smooch?!" Frisk turned bright red, "Th-That's a bit extreme, don't you think?"

"homun do wht hoomun mst do four luv!"

Frisk sighed. "Gimme another temmie flake."


"Frisk!" Chara called, walking through small ponds, "You can't just leave me like that! Buddy system, remember? We promised mom!" Chara clutched their locket, "If your soul gets too far..." They sighed, then continued through Waterfall. Suddenly, light blue dots appeared on the ground. Then, spears emerged from them. Chara screamed.

"I don't have time for this!" They yelled as they ran, dodging the spears once again. As they went on, their pace slowed. "F-Frisk..." They clutched the heart locket, their hand fading. They turned around and ran back, dodging spears again. Their hand faded back into existence. "I gotta find them!"


"M-Moar, tem flakes..." Frisk slurred before hiccuping.

"tem think mor tem flakes not gud for homun"

"I s-said *hic* more, dammit!" Frisk yelled, slamming their last few pieces of gold on the cardboard box.

Tem, unable to resist more money, took the coins and gave Frisk a couple more tem flakes. Frisk ate them with no hesitation or regrets. "M-MORE!"

"you dun hav enouf muns..."


"Ugh, Temmie Village," Chara shuddered as they walked into the Tem Shop, "Holy shit, Frisk?"

"cHARA" Frisk slurred, stumbling to their feet, "Boy am I glad to see you!"

"Are you drunk?"

"No, no, I'm too underage to drink! I just...had some tem flakes..."

"What the hell are in those things?"

"hops n drems" Tem answered.

"Whatever, now we really need to get home." Chara walked back home, having to carry Frisk with their arm across their shoulders.

"Chara have I ever told you how sweet of an ass you have?" Frisk slurred.

Chara blushed, "They're drunk, they don't mean it, they're drunk, they don't mean it...." They kept telling themself.

"Very nice... If I was a dude I would totally-"


"Oh yeah... I forgot..." There was a moment of silence before Frisk continued, "Chaarraaa~"

"What..." Chara groaned.

"I like you... Like a whole bunch..."

Chara ignored their blush, "Oh, really?"

"Yeah... You're super adorable, you're really interesting, and you're really fun to mess with... You make me not wanna leave the underground... Sometimes, while you're sleeping, I can't help but watch you..."

"That's creepy. Don't do that."

"Sorry... You're just so cute when you sleep... It just makes me wanna..." Frisk suddenly pinned Chara to a wall, "Kiss you..."

"F-Frisk! Let me go!"

"I can't take it anymore... I love you, Chara! Kiss me!"

"N-No!" Chara's face burned, "You're drunk; you don't know what you're saying!"

"I'm saying I never wanna leave your side... I wanna always be with you... I promise this isn't the alcohol talking, I, I love-"

"Well I don't love you!" Chara yelled.

Frisk drew back, surprised. "Y...You what?"

Chara covered their mouth. "I... Frisk, I didn't mean-"

"Then...then why am I wasting my time with you!?"

"Frisk, I didn't-"

Frisk turned and stormed off, "Why did I ever think you would like me... You're just a soulless demon after all..."

Chara grabbed Frisk's arm, twirling them back around and pulling them into a kiss. "Would a soulless demon do that?"

Frisk stared at them in surprise, then tackled them to the ground with a kiss. "I guess not." Frisk said, kissing Chara again, wrapping Chara's scarf around their neck.

[0 to 100 to 150 real quick]

[[DISCONTINUED]] We're The Same, But Different[Charisk]Where stories live. Discover now