chapter 5

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Elee POV:

Once I got done signing out I decided to go over to Clohe's also she said she wouldn't let me stay out of her sight because she says it was her fault that I tripped. She is so sweet I swear she is my best friend I don't know what I would do without her... Any how I wonder if those guys were doing that I meet earlier were did they have to go that was so important? Who knows I mean they are famous for goodness sake!

Later that night.....

Clohe has been acting strange so I asked her what is wrong she said that we were going to MagCon. GREAT... Hint the sarcasm? I don't want to go at all like ever.

Clohe's POV:

Before any of this stuff ever meeting the MagCon boy's I bought ticket's for Elee and I to go but honestly I wanted to surprise her because I knew she didn't want to go especially now. Gosh this is so complicated why do we have to do this I mean come on we were supposed to have fun at this night! And yet I am still trying to tell her why I am acting weird I told her what is going on she has this angry look on her face, should I run?

Elee POV:

She better run, I just might hurt her. I calmed down and asked her why we were going. She told me all about how her "plan was" whatever I am still mad. She said if I was her best friend I would go it is in three months... Same month I get my cast off.. I might go but I might not.

Hey guys! Comment if you like the story:} just might do a JB fan fic

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