Halls of My Ancestors (Thorin)

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12. Q: How do you motivate yourself to write?

A: Usually, I'll watch or read something LOTR or TH related, and it'll give me motivation to write imagines.

13. Q: What's the biggest distraction when you write?

A: My biggest distraction would be my cat; she's adorable.

14. Q: Tell us one thing you aspire to accomplish as a writer.

A: Although I may not always inspire others, I hope that I can inspire people to write their own imagines or stories in the future.

I'm going to tag a few people. If I haven't tagged you and you still want to do it, feel free to do it!


Hope you guys enjoy the imagine!

You're Thorin's wife, and you notice that he has been thinking about something lately.

You looked up at the rows of books that reached the ceiling of library.

I could get used to this.

Your home, Erebor, had just been successfully reclaimed, and all of the dwarves and their families decided to move back as quickly as possible.

Whilst attempting to navigate your way through the elaborate halls, you stumbled upon a library. The library was truly an astonishing place, filled with knowledge and joy.

You observed the shelf in front of you.

From battle tactics, history, fantasy, and romance novels, it held an assortment of books.

You ran your fingers over the spines of the books, stopping when you noticed a book that recounted ancient dwarven folklore.

After you had plucked the book from its place on on the shelf, you took a seat in a corner of the empty library, enjoying the view of the courtyard from the window.

Hours and hours then passed as you remained immersed in the book, turning page after page.

You hardly noticed when the doors of the grand library opened. But, as the sound of stomping feet became more prominent, you lifted your eyes from the story.

You noticed the serious, determined face of your husband, Thorin, scour the shelves in search of a book. Acknowledging the fact you had stayed within the confines of the library for quite some time, you decided to approach him.

By now, Thorin had taken a seat at a dimly lit table and had begun to flip through the pages of the book.

You strolled up to him. "Hello, Thorin," you greeted him.

Thorin promptly jumped, slamming the book shut. "I, uh, thought I was here alone," he whispered, a light shade of pink tinting his cheeks.

You grinned; it was a rare sight to see Thorin Oakenshield embarrassed.

"We should head back anyways. It's late," he said, heading towards the library's exit.

You followed him. "Yes, I suppose it is late," you agreed.

Both of you walked through the halls of Erebor, making little conversation.

You were lost in your thoughts, recalling the tales you had been reading.

"Wait!" you yelled, stopping dead in your tracks. "I need to go get my book."

"I'll meet you back at our room," Thorin replied.

When you reached the library, you found your book quickly. On your way out, you passed the table Thorin had been sitting at and noticed he had left his book there too.

You picked it up, thinking he might want to read it later.

Smiling at the thought of your husband being enraptured in a good book as well, you flipped the book over to see its cover. Looking at the title, you were a bit perplexed as to why he was reading this. You weren't usually nosy, but this specific book made you genuinely want to hear Thorin's reasons for reading read a book like this.

"Hmm, 'How to Know If You're Ready to Become a Parent.' Interesting," you muttered to yourself.

You then returned to your room to see Thorin sitting at his desk.

You took a deep breath. You didn't know if you should meddle, but you were also curious.

After thinking it over, you decided to approach Thorin.

You cleared your throat, preparing to start a conversation with him.

Before you were able to talk to him, he spoke. "Shut the window, will you?" Thorin asked, evidently hearing you enter the room.

You did as he asked, walking over to him again once the task was complete.

This time, instead of shying away, you placed the book on the desk, where he could see it.

"I, uh, picked up the book you left behind," you started. "However, I was kind of curious why you would want to read about parenthood."

He ignored you for a moment, possibly trying to brainstorm things to say.

"Do you want to have children?" you questioned, not wanting to waste any time. After all, you and Thorin were married and shouldn't have any problems communicating, right?

Thorin sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. 

"It was something I was thinking about recently," he mumbled. 

He then turned to face you, allowing you to gaze into the serious eyes you came to love. 

"I know I'm not expected to want to have children, but it crosses my mind often. However, it doesn't mean that we he have to have any kids now. I mean-" he rambled. 

You cut him off. "Thorin, what are you saying? It's wonderful that you are thinking about the future, and we can always discuss it more," you told him. 

Thorin breathed a sigh of relief, rising to his feet. "I'm glad you understand, Y/N," he said while pulling you into his embrace. 

"Plus, wouldn't it be nice to have little dwarflings run around the halls of my ancestors?" Thorin asked, smiling. 

You chuckled. "That would be nice." 

You thought about boisterous children playing in Erebor, and it brought a smile to your face. Reiterating what you already said, you whispered, "That really would be nice." 

The Hobbit ImaginesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin