More than a Potato (Samwise Gamgee)

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June 9, 2015: Knowing me, you know that I had to include potatoes somewhere in this! This was requested by TheSherlockedHobbit. Thanks for reading.

You run into the potato-obsessed hobbit, Samwise Gamgee.

You had just finished pulling out the weeds for the house you garden at and had decided to call it a night.

You stretched your back out, trying to ease the pain from the laborious task. While you were stretching, you were able to catch a glimpse of the garden at Bag End. Briefly seeing the golden hair of the hobbit working in the garden made you sure that it was undoubtedly Samwise Gamgee.

Edging toward the boundary of the garden, you peeked over the bush to try to get a better view of the hobbit you had once played with when you were a child.

Looking at him, you took note of how he had matured, his face no longer resembled a young child but a grown hobbit. Inching closer and closer to the edge of the yard, you tripped over your own feet.

As you fell over the hedge, you felt the hard contact of the earth below you to your face.

Getting back on your feet, you groaned with pain loudly.

"'Who goes there?" yelled Sam. He picked himself up from the mound of dirt he was sitting on. "I'm warning you! I have a potato!" Sam started to say while arching his arm back, prepared to throw the potato at the intruder.

Your eyebrows wrinkled in confusion at the hobbit's odd sense of a weapon. "A potato?" you ask while dusting yourself off.

"You know, boil 'em, mash 'em-"

You held your hands up. "I understand what a potato is for."

Samwise scratched his head. "What exactly are you here for, Y/N?"

"You know my name?" you were surprised that he actually remembered you.

"Well, of course!" he said. "How could I have forgotten you?"

Your cheeks turned red, even though he was just being polite. "It seemed like you would have... with your fascination with potatoes and all."

"I am not obsessed with potatoes!" He defended himself.

"I saw and heard you talking to one." You joked and started chuckling.

His mouth dropped open. "It helps them grow. Plus, I thought I was alone!"

"Sam, you should really learn to tell when someone's lying." you started picking at the dirt underneath your nails, trying to maintain the act that you were more confident and self-assured than you actually were. "You're really gullible."

He snorted. "I used to like you more than potatoes."

"Used to?"

"You were a good friend, so I didn't need the comfort of potato. I mean, I have Frodo, but he's been talking to Gandalf a lot lately." He breathed out in a quick breath. After Samwise caught his breath, and slowed down the speed he was talking at, he spoke in a low, quiet voice that could have easily not been heard if people weren't paying attention to him. "I just need someone here for me."

His normally happy countenance faded away as he looked down to the potato he held in his hand.

"I'm here for you." you softly whispered before walking up, and in a quick motion, hugging him.

Sam didn't seem to understand your actions, for he held out his arms for a few seconds before bringing them to wrap around your body.

You broke away when you felt that too much emotion shown toward Mr. Sam would make him uncomfortable or, even worse, try to avoid you because of the random outburst of emotion you had escape from within yourself.

He smiled sheepishly. "I still like you more than a potato."

"Do you?"

Sam shrugged. "I mean, you're prettier than a potato, smell better than a potato, and you actually talk more than a potato."

You laughed heartily. "Samwise Gamgee, did you just bash a potato three times in one sentence? Never in my entire life would I think that you would do such a horrible thing."

"I still like potatoes, but I like you more."

"And how much do you exactly like me?" You bring your hand to the edge of your face, anticipating his answer.

He looked down at the ground, kicking the nothingness that resided there. "A lot. Y/N, I've loved you since we were children."

The seriousness of the moment you were experiencing took another unexpected turn when Sam pecked you quickly on the cheek.

You smiled at the cute way he expressed his affection. "I love you more than a potato, Samwise Gamgee."

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