Unusual Attention

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Hermione was unusually scared to see Professor Snape after class. She was used to the other professors holding her after class to lecture her about how she can have a bright future and all the stuff she didn't want to hear, but it was different with Severus, he seems like he doesn't care, it shouldn't bother him if she gets detention or if her grades are slipping, yet she saw a glint of concern in his eyes when he looked her direction. The class was dissmissed with a sneer from the cold professor. "I require a 13 inch essay from what we covered today, due tomorrow before class during breakfast" He added before the students left. A collective groan came from the students. Lunch was right after the double potions, so Hermione knew that she could get it done easily in the quiet library. She just packed her stuff and was about to leave when a cold voice called "Miss Granger, I said to stay for a word, if you please." She stopped in her tracks and turned quickly. She wanted to get this done as quick as possible so she complete her essay and eat at lunch. She did have a free period after lunch, but she likes to enjoy that with Luna in the library. "Yes professor??" She asked innocently, as if she did nothing wrong. She saw a obvious annoyance on the professors face. "Sit" Severus replied, he was trying to keep a sneer out of his voice, but was failing. Hermione didn't want to aggervate him any further so she just sat and listened. "I have noticed you have been skipping classes often and when  you are in class, you refuse to pay attention. Is this correct?" Hermione bowed her head. She was ashamed of herself, she usually doesn't care if a teacher calls her out on her antics, but Snape is diffrent. He made her embarrassed. "Yes sir" she said quietly. "Look at me Granger" she lifted her head to see a concerned look spread across the usually cold teachers face. "You may be an isufferable know it all, but you are intelligent, and I know you did not return to Hogwarts just to try to carry on the ways of the 'golden trio'" he stopped a moment to smirk. Hermionie could feel tears welling up in her big carmel eyes. Snape continued. "So either start trying in school again or I will inform the headmistress of these antics and you will have to answer to her. And everybody knows that is not a good situation to be in." Hermione had tears running down her cheeks. And she said a quiet thank you. "You now may leave miss Granger" Snape said softly which took Hermione by surprised but it didn't stop her from quickly rushing out of the classroom, but she forgot her items. She didn't care. She quickly ran down the long hallway, but stopped in her tracks. She didnt want to be seen, so she would have to stay down in the dungeons. She slid down the wall she was currently standing by, and starts to sob quietly. Snape was absolutely right, as he always is. Hermione wanted to move on, but it was very difficult. She just wanted to enjoy her younger years again, but she would never get those days again. She realized a warm liquid running down her arm and looked down, and see a very large gash and then felt a sharp pain. She looked up and saw a large rustly nail sticking out of the wall. She must have cut herself on it when she slid down the wall. She felt dizzy when she stood. She had to get to Madam Pomfrey. But the hospital wing was too far, she would never make it there with the blood loss. She took off her robes so she was only wearing muggle clothes, and she balled her robes up and pressed them against her wound to try to stop the blood flow, it didn't stop the flow, but it did manage to slow it down a little. She stubbled towards the potions classroom. If she couldn't get to Madam Pomfrey, at coud make it to Snape. He was a potions master, he would heal her gash. She stubbled towards the classroom for what felt like ages, but she finally teachers the door. A faint knock was all she could muster before her arm felt like it was made of stone. The door opened and she fell into the arms of Snape. He looked very worried but she could only get a glimpse of his very handome face before everything went black.
This chapter is a little longer than the last one, but i hoped you guys enjoyed all the same!! Love you lovlies!!! Send feedback if something is bothering you. ❤

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