| Seth Rollins | One Shot | Brown Eyes

Start from the beginning

"This is why I love you, you know that," Seth said after turning the radio down, a smile still spread across his lips, his eyes glued to the road. You were speechless for a moment. Not once has Seth said something as absolute as saying 'I love you' to you, he rarely says it to Dean or Roman. You couldn't think like that, he meant it as a friend, that's it.

"I love you too, you dork." you smiled and you swear a blush crept onto Seth's cheeks, just the same as it did yours.

"Hey Seth, can we stop to eat, I'm starving," Dean spoke up. You couldn't agree more.

"Yeah Seth, can we? I'm craving french fries and vinegar," you said.

"There's a diner up ahead, we'll stop there and get you some french fries and you a salad or whatever rabbit food you want," he told.

He pulled up at the diner, taking a spot up front, just by the door. You climbed out of the truck, Dean's hands on your shoulders as you walked into the nearly empty diner. You all took a booth in the back. Dean and Roman seated in front of you and Seth next to you, as usual. The waitress made her way towards your booth. She, of course, was beautiful, blonde, skinny; Seth's type.

"What can I get for you?" she asked, her eyes glued on Seth. You couldn't help but roll your eyes.

"I'll have a bacon cheeseburger, with an extra side of fries with vinegar and ketchup on the side, and a veggie salad for my lady here. Oh and two beers, thanks," Seth said and you smiled, he knew you well alright.

"I'll have a veggie salad with a beer as well thanks," Dean said, handing her the menus back. "Ditto on that!" Roman called out, the waitress tossing Seth one last glance, then she walked away.

"I think she likes you," Dean coughed, causing you to giggle a little. Seth rolled his eyes.

"Nah, she's too desperate, definitely a girl who wants me to be there in the morning. Not what I need tonight," he said, "besides, I got my favourite girl right here next to me. What more could I ask for?" He brushes a strand of hair away from your face, his touch sending sparks throughout your entire body. You look over at him and you see a slight smile on his face; you returned it. Your heart rate speeding up faintly.

"Here are your meals, and here are your drinks," she said while placing them on the table. You all began to eat. Roman had his phone out, he was probably texting Joelle or his wife, he always did when he had a chance. You poured the vinegar on Seth's fries, knowing he would be okay with it, and began to eat them. He giggled at how happy you looked while eating them.

"Seth, you better eat some of these, or I will eat them all," you told, while lifting a fry up to his mouth. He opened up and you fed him the fry.

"You want them more than I do, besides, you're forgetting the ketchup," he told while pouring a pile of ketchup on the side of his plate. He dipped a fry in it and fed it to you. You couldn't help but let out a giggle. You both continued eating away at Seth's fries, Dean rolling his eyes at both of your childish behavior. You glanced over to him and you could tell that he figured out about your crush on the the youngest Shield member. To be fair, anyone could have seen it at this point. It was completely obvious, and somehow, you just didn't care. You just wanted to goof around with your best friend.

"You have ketchup on your face," you smirked. He instantly began to lick his lips, trying to remove the sticky, red substance from his face as you laughed, No luck getting it off.

"Is it gone?" he asked.

"No, here. I'll get it for you," you offered. You took the napkin from the table and slowly wiped away the ketchup that was just above his lip. His eyes were locked on your every movement. Your eyes met with his beautiful, heart-melting ones and paused for a moment. Your heart was racing, if it sped up anymore, you could have sworn it would burst out of your chest.

"Um, guys. I'm going to the washroom before we go. I'll meet you in the truck," Dean interrupts while throwing some cash on the table.

"I've got to go outside and call the wife." Roman added as well, pushing himself up and walking out of the diner.

With that, Seth gets up, holding his hand out to help you out of the booth. His arm is around your shoulders instantly as you both walk out of the diner and head to the truck. You know it was only to annoy the waitress.

You sat on the hood of the truck while Seth stood out in front of you. The sun was just setting over the trees near the diner, it was gorgeous. It was unusual for you to see a sunset like this. It was peaceful, you couldn't take your eyes off of it. Seth took a seat next to you on the truck. You could feel his eyes on you, but you didn't dare look back at him.

"You're beautiful, you know that Y/N," he said quietly, his gaze focused on the ground. You smiled faintly, avoiding looking towards his direction. "I meant what I said in the car earlier. You make everything more bearable for us just by being you. I mean today in the car, that's the happiest I've seen Roman and Dean in a long time, hell it's the happiest I've been in a long time and we have you to thank for that. I don't know what I'd do without you, you're my best friend, and I love you so much, it scares me," he explained, he avoided your gaze, afraid of the rejection that's ahead of him, but he still continues on, "I'm so in love with you, and I have been since well, the moment you joined our little gang. I get it if you don't feel the same way, I mean we're best friends for God's sake. I just don't want this ruin our friendship."

You slid off the hood of the truck and stood in front of him. You were speechless. Never in your life would you have thought that Seth Rollins would have ever reciprocated your feelings towards him. You were shocked, you didn't know what to say. You took your hands in his and squeezed them briefly, looking into his eyes once more.

"Please say something," he whispered.

"I love you too, Seth," you spoke out. His shoulders instantly relaxed and he let out a breath he had been holding. A smile appeared on his face as he pressed his forehead to yours.

"Thank god," he said quietly.

He slowly inched his face closer to yours, you could feel his warm breath mixing with yours. He released your hands and gingerly placed one on your hip, pulling you closer to him. You felt those sparks again, this time they were much stronger, like he was setting fire to your skin with his gentle touch. His other hand made its way to your cheek, cupping it gently. You leaned into his touch as he leaned in closer to you. His expression was soft, his wide smile still present on his face. You couldn't help but smile back. You'd been waiting for this moment since you met him. He closed the space between you and brushed his lips over yours. Suddenly, it felt like time had stopped and everything around you was just Seth. Your arms made their way behind his neck, your fingers playing with the hair on the back of his head. He was gentle as he ran his tongue across your bottom lip. He deepened the kiss, putting every pent up emotion into it. He pulled away too fast for your liking, no matter how much you needed air.

"You have no idea how long I've waited to do that," he whispered.

"I have an idea. Guess I should have sang in your car a long time ago," you laughed. He leaned down and kissed you softly once more.

"I really hope I'm not going to be a third wheel from now on," Dean coughed, "Though I'm happy you both admitted your feelings. The tension was getting to be unbearable." Roman stood by his side now, a smirk on his lips.

"Shut up, Deano," Seth said, kissing you quickly before opening the car door for you to get in. He climbed in the drivers side, kissing you again before starting the car up again.
"I could get used to kissing you, gorgeous," He said before speeding off down the road.

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