Cloudy Memories

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We entered the water fall. It was still heavily gushing, and the walls still sparkled from the moist rocks, making it look like stars. We walked around for a while, seeing if anyone was around. We approached some tall grass, the same grass Undyne almost caught me in. If it wasn't for that kid, I'd be a human-kabob. Then we passed through the bridges. "I never understood why there are so many bridges here. Some of these lead to nowhere. And there's a second layer for no reason." Flowey exclaimed. It bothered me also, not because it was strange, but because Undyne was hot on my tail. Then everything went black, except for the bridge. I saw myself running frantically away from blue spears coming from the floor. I felt like I was in a dream, or a memory, or something of the sort. "Frisk, Frisk, FRISK!!!" Flowey yelled as I jumped out of the vision. "What happened, you just dozed off." I smiled and told him it was nothing. We came across the strange flowers that repeated the last thing heard. Every time I came down here it was the same thing. "I'm so glad we're free." "I wonder if I'll see a star." "Yo, this is so cool." Then we me flower spoke something I couldn't understand. "👌☜🕈✌☼☜📪 ❄☟☜ ☞✋☼💧❄ 💧⚐🕆☹ 💧❄✋☹☹ ☹✋✞☜💧" Flowey looked at it strangely and nervously. Then I blacked out, all I saw was white. Then a black heart appeared from it, I immediately knew what it was. "Chara! You will not scare me. I have determination." The heart turned to her "Oh, I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here to warn you. Beware the lost person. For he is not to be trusted." I looked at her strangely. Then I woke up. "Frisk, wake up. Frisk, are you there?" I woke up, not knowing where I was. "Where am I? What happened?" "You blacked out. I had to bring you here." Flowey told me. We were in the castle thrown room surrounded by yellow flowers. "Ah, ok. Thanks. Did you happen to see anyone else while bringing me here?" I asked hopefully. Flowey shook his head. "Sorry, I wasn't really paying attention." I nodded and started heading towards the exit.

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